Chapter 19 - Dimples and David Bowie

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The walk was beginning to become a bit tedious to say the least. One long, very long tunnel with no twists, no turns, no windows, no doors and no people isn't exactly the most exciting place to go for a stroll. I was falling behind a little, absent-mindedly staring at the floor, letting my legs simply carry me forward. It didn't seem like I was going to have to look or walk anywhere else so I let myself essentially plod along. 

In an attempt to occupy myself from the dull rhythm of footsteps, I began to hum quietly. To begin with, I didn't really know what I was humming but I quickly realised it was the chorus to Starman (One of my favourites). 

"Is that Bowie?" Robin asked quietly, a small smile tugging at her lips. 

"Hm? Oh... yeah. You a fan?" I asked hopefully. 

"Not hugely but I've heard that one on the radio a few times, it's pretty good. And bowie... he seems cool" 

"Are you kidding me? Bowie is awesome! If you'd like I could lend you some of my tapes I have the rise and fall and hunky dory and even his new one too" I rambled enthusiastically. 

"I don't know what any of those are but sure I'd love that" She smiled gratefully at me revealing her dimples. 

Fuck. Her dimples. Why have I never really noticed them before? And why the hell am I thinking about them? 

I put it down to jealousy. I've always wanted dimples. 

"Would you two stop flirting we're on a mission here" Steve joked

"I- we- I wasn't flirting" I stuttered embarrassingly quickly as Robin spoke over me;

"That was not flirting Steve"

Unfortunately for me she spoke much more calmly, it didn't mean anything at all. 

It didn't mean anything at all. 

"Yeah whatever. God this place is endless" Steve complained nonchalantly brushing off my stuttering. 

"I mean you'll have to admit as a feat of engineering alone, this place is impressive" Dustin quipped taking in the endless stretch of various pipes snaking along the tunnel. 

"What are you talking about? It's a total fire hazard. There's no stairs, there's no exit, there's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell." Steve listed morbidly 

"They're commies. You don't pay people, they cut corners" Erica stated

"To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking" Robin correctly pointed out.                                                                                                                   "I mean think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo" 

"It all comes into the mall like any old delivery" Dustin commented as if fitting the puzzle pieces together in his brain.

"And then they load it up onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser" Robin continued. 

"Well someone has to know about it right? I doubt they accidentally built a mall over a secret Russian base with a convenient elevator leading conveniently directly to it" I interjected. 

"Do you think they built this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?" Steve asked. 

"I very seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison it's gotta be something much more valuable like promethium or something" Dustin answered casually. I could tell he was trying to find some explanation. Knowing him, his wacky imagination was probably theorising it's some interdimensional space brains or something although promethium did sound nerdy enough to about cover it.

"What the hell is promethium?" Steve asked, mirroring my thoughts. 

"It's what Victor Stone's dad used to make cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components" Robin quickly responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Woah" I breathed out silently. 

Shit. That one was supposed to stay tucked away in my brain. 

"What?" Robin laughed turning to face me. 

"Nothing. Just sometimes I forget you're like... a little genius" I smiled sheepishly at her. 

Ugh good lord I'm embarrassing myself at this point. 

Before Robin had a chance to respond and I a chance to punch myself, Erica gagged clutching her stomach dramatically and proclaiming;

"You're all so nerdy it makes me physically ill." 

"No no no, don't lump me in with them. I'm not a nerd all right?" Steve interjected defensively. 

"Why so sensitive Harrington? Afraid of losing cool points to a ten year old child?" Robin asked sarcastically, finding the ordeal very amusing. 

"No, I'm just saying I don't know jack shit about Prometheus." Steve tried to argue. 

"Promethium" Dustin corrected 

"Prometheus is the Greek god of fire" I added as the others paused to look at me. 

"What? I like Ancient Greek history, shoot me." I stated, not understanding what all the fuss was about. 

"Nah you're brother's supposed to be the one to know that shit. God, you're a nerd too" Steve whined like it was the worst thing in existence. 

"Whoever said I wasn't?" I shrugged

"Okay can we get back on track now please?" Dustin snapped. 

"All I'm saying is it's probably being used to make something"

"Or power something"

"Like a nuclear weapon" Dustin suggested


"Walking towards a nucular weapon that's great" Steve chipped in

"Nuclear not nucular Steve. Besides, aren't you just a little bit curious to know what's down there?" I asked

"Yeah I was until I got plunged 500 feet in a Russian elevator and almost crushed under its door. Curiosity is what got me into this mess" Steve deadpanned

"Yeah fair point" I shrugged

"But if they're building something, why here? I mean, Hawkins. Seriously? Of all places. At very best we are a toilet stop on your way to disneyland. But maybe that's it, maybe it's our very mundane nature that makes it so perfect because why question it? Nothing exciting ever happens here right?" Robin theorised before quickly flipping back round noticing the absence of Steve and dustin.

"I'm sorry, is there something you two would like to share with the class?" Robin snarked.

Before they had time to respond however, the muffled sound of Russian code projected from the bag as we all flocked to it. Robin retrieved the walkie from the bag and translated it for us

'A trip to China sounds nice, if you tread lightly'

"It's the code"

"Where ever that broadcast is coming from-

"It's close. And if there's one thing we know about that signal"

"It can reach the surface"

"Let's go" Robin chirped hopefully as we all walked a little bit faster towards our impending doom.

Hooray for us.


A/n - hey guys, its been a while, again. Pinky promise I will try to write more whenever I can. Hope you guys are enjoying it, keep interacting I really do see and appreciate all of you. Have an awesome day guys :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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