Chapter 8 - Girlfriend?

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"What do you waaant?" The voice of Robin droned from behind the window

"Well hopefully to crack a top secret Russian code" i replied sarcastically

Her head appeared from behind the window smiling.

"Would you like sprinkles with that order?" She beamed as she climbed through the window to greet me.

"Actually I was thinking extra whipped cream" I joked as we both laughed.

"Made any progress yet?" I asked hopefully looking to the recorder in her hands

"A little... 'a trip to China', which once again makes no sense" she grinned

"That's progress! How much is left to translate?"

"Not too much, I should be finished pretty soon" She said waving the recorder in her hand

"You need any help?" I offered

"Sure, here" she said throwing me the Russian dictionary.

"Ok let's get to work" I spoke enthusiastically as I slid across the counter


The next few hours were spent toiling away to finish the translation. Robin was deep in thought, the small headphones of the recorder covering her ears.

"I just don't understand it!" She sighed

"Oh god"

"What is it?" She asked

"Erica, 6 o'clock" I pointed towards the gaggle of girls stood behind her

"Excuse meeee" Erica shouted furiously ringing the bell.

Robin turned to face her removing the headphones so they sat around her neck

"I would like to try the peanut butter chocolate swirl" Erica asked with a faux smile

"No. No more samples today" Robin laughed

"Why not?" Erica asked in shock

"Because you're abusing our company policy" Robin quipped

"Ughhh what about her?" Erica asked gesturing towards me

"Don't look at me I don't even work here!" I said my hands up in defense

"Where's the sailor man?" Erica looked around

"Sorry he can't help you he's busy" she chuckled

"With what?" Erica asked impatiently

Robin turned to face her with a smirk "spycraft"

"Ugh whatever. I'll be back, nerds" she threatened before strutting out of the shop

"Kids." I tutted mockingly rolling my eyes with a laugh

"At least we can work now without Erica showing up every 5 minutes" she joked.

"Should I go check on the boys? Make sure they're not... dead?" I asked

"Probably a good idea, they're hopeless" Robin smiled before replacing the headphones over her ears and getting back to work.

I wondered across the malls plaza to find Steve and dustin poorly attempting to be incognito, crouched behind a plane with binoculars.

As I walked towards them, I overheard some of their conversation

"I don't even know why you're looking at girls anyway you've got the perfect one right in front of you" my brother informed Steve

"Seriously if you say Robin again-"

Robin is the girl that I wanna kiss <3Where stories live. Discover now