Chapter 10 - take who out?

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"So, how long do we wait for exactly" I yawned turning to dustin.

It was 9:04am and we were up bright and early back on the roof of starcourt mall to survey the movements of the Russians.

"Until we find something. We have to figure out a way to get into that room" He replied never taking his eyes away from his binoculars.

We sat in silence for a few moments, watching the guards closely before I realised it was the perfect time to bring it up...

"So... who's suzie?" I asked bluntly

Dustin abruptly pulled away from the binoculars to turn to me

"What?!" He asked in shock

"Is she your girlfriend?" I questioned calmly

"No I- I- how did you hear about that?" He questioned me back

"Robin's right you know, you and Steve are very loud" I smiled to myself

"You can't tell mom okay! You know she's just going to fuss over it!" Dustin whisper shouted aggressively

"Okay! Okay! I won't.... so what's she like?" I pried

"Super smart, we met at camp. Her family's Mormon though so they'd go nuts if they found out we were together" Dustin revealed

"How Shakespearean" I observed with a laugh

"That's what I said!" Dustin remarked

"Great minds think alike little bro" I patted his shoulder

"Hey what's that?" I pointed towards the guards holding some sort of card

"Looks like a key card. That's our ticket in" Dustin stated hopefully


"That keycard opens the door but unfortunately, the Russian with this key card also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it." Dustin explained to Robin and Steve after we'd rushed back inside to tell them our findings.

"But there's gotta be a way in" Robin opposed

"Well, you know... I could just take him out?" Steve suggested

"Take who out?" Robin asked

"The Russian guard" Steve stated obviously

"What are you gonna do wine and dine him?" I joked

"What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy" Steve explained

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asked

"Yes, Dustin, I did. And that's why I would be sneaking" Steve retorted

"Ah, well please tell me this and be honest. Have you ever actually... won a fight?" Dustin asked wittily

"Okay, that was one time-"

"Twice. Jonathan. Year prior?" Dustin corrected

"Listen that doesn't count" Steve argued

"The bruises said differently" I stated

"Yeah! You got a fat lip, a crooked nose, swollen eye, a lot of blood..."

"That just might work" Robin interrupted the back and forth dispute leaping out of her chair

Robin grabbed her bag and grabbed all the money from the tip jar as she ran out of the story

"Hey Robin! What are you doing?" Steve shouted after her

"I need cash" she stated blankly

"Well half of that's mine! Where are you going?" Steve whined

"To find us a way into that room, a safe way. And, in the meantime, sling ice cream, behave and don't get beat up. I'll be back in a jiff" she said without a salute before running off

She suddenly halted as she turned back to us

"Oh and Heather? Imma need some help" she shouted gesturing for me to follow

"Oh ok!" I shouted pushing past Steve and dustin to get to her

"Let's go!" She said excitedly taking hold of my hand and weaving us through the hoards of people lingering in the mall.

We ran outside and she led me to the bike racks where she quickly identified hers and unlocked it.

"I only have one helmet so you can wear it" She said fumbling to get it from her back

"Oh, thankyou" I smiled

"Here" she said placing it over my head and clipping it up.

My breath hitched in my throat. She was standing so close I could smell her perfume. Her soft fingers grazed over my cheek as she adjusted the straps of the helmet and I really hoped she couldn't feel the blush beneath them. Her fingers lingered around my jaw for a moment as we made eye contact. I could get lost in her eyes all day. But unfortunately we were kind of in a rush so we hurriedly carried on.

"Okay. Hop on" she said as I clambered on to the back of the bike.

"How do I hold on?" I asked looking around for anything I could grip onto

"Shit. Umm... just hold on to me I guess" Robin suggested shyly

"Is that ok?" I asked not wanting to overstep a boundary

"Yeah sure. Wouldn't want you falling off now would we?" I laughed as I fastened my hands around her waist and she began to pedal.

I was never going to get over this.


Hi guys, hope you're enjoying it. As ever, feel free to give me feedback or whatever. Next chapter will be dedicated Robin and Heather bonding time and most of it will be original dialogue. Hope you have a great day :)))

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