Chapter 3 - Ahoy!

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9:23 am, I was abruptly awoken by a fluffy pillow being lobbed at my head.

"Dustin what the hell dude!" I yelled angrily jumping out of bed.

"You said you'd wake up at nine to drive me to the mall!" He whined tapping his watch with agitation.

"Shit! Uhhhh give me like 15 minutes and I'll be ready"

"Fine" He turned away.

I had a quick shower, threw on my jeans and favourite blondie t-shirt, furiously sprayed Hairspray around my head and grabbed my jacket to leave.

"Okay dustin let's go!!" I shouted halfway out of the house.


I had only been to the mall once or twice. It was brand new and always busy with bustling teens shopping or eating ice cream from the self-proclaimed 'world-famous' scoops ahoy. Which is incidently, where we were headed today.

Dustin had formed a weird friendship with Steve harrington, yes, THE Steve harrington, with the hair and the girls. Well it seemed Steve had fallen off his popularity wagon in the past few years considering he was hanging out with my brother. Steve was an asshole in high school, he'll tell you that himself, but he seems to have changed in recent years and I would even consider us good friends now.

Steve got a job at scoops ahoy after leaving high school to make money for college and dustin was desperate to see him in the wake of his return.

Dustin keenly paced ahead, a smile plastered on his face, as he walked up to the counter. I stood a little behind him, trying to give him some space. However, it wasn't Steve at the counter, it was a girl, a girl I've never seen before.

She had bright blue eyes and dainty freckles that sat neatly on her skin like precious flowers in a meadow. a sailors hat, a scoops ahoy staple, was perched neatly on her head, her golden brown hair flowing onto her shoulders. From her expression, she appeared quite bored and displeased. Maybe from the aspect of working a shitty job all summer or maybe from the uniform. Despite her expression, there was a certain beauty in her face. The kind of beauty you see in paintings or sculptures-

no. What am I doing. She's a girl. I just think she's pretty I mean- all girls think other girls are pretty. It's totally normal.

"Hi!" Dustin greeted her

"Hi" she returned with a polite half-smile

"I'm dustin" He announced gesturing to himself

"I'm robin" She said casually.

'Robin: such a pretty name... i mean- a lot of names are pretty, doesnt mean anything' my brain was fighting with itself

"Pleasure to meet you. Is he here?" Dustin asked looking around excitedly like a puppy looking for its owner.

"Is who here?" She spoke, clearly confused.

Suddenly, Steve burst through the door, his hands raised as he announced: "Henderson"




They then continued to do some complicated handshake which ended with Steve pretending to be spewing blood having been hit with an imaginary light saber. Robin looked just as confused as I watching the situation unfold. Steve and dustin were in fits of laughter until Robin interrupted,

"How many children are you friends with?"

I laughed quietly at that which caught her attention. We made eye contact for a split second, smiling slightly before looking back at Steve.

"Hey Heather how've you been?" Steve asked turning to me

"Not too bad harrington and yourself?"

"Well I get paid $2.30 an hour to scoop ice cream in this ridiculous costume so I think that speaks for itself"

"Hey the costumes are quite cute" I mocked pulling at his sleeve. He pulled an unimpressed face as I tried to stifle laughter, the outfit really did look stupid on him, loveable, but stupid.

'Cute...kind of like her. STOP NO.' I cursed my brain for not letting me think straight. What is wrong with me today?

"Hey you're not the only one wearing these stupid outfits" Robin dropped in from behind the counter

"If its any consolation, you can pull off that hat better than he can...sorry stevie" I assured Robin

"I'm telling you! This hat is totally ruining my best feature! How am I supposed to be Steve the hair harrington when no-one can see it!" He sighed in frustration

"Are you sure that's the reason you've scored exactly..." Robin paused to pull out a whiteboard from below the counter.

"0 women" she identified smugly pointing to the current 7 tally marks under 'you suck' compared to the 0 in 'you rule'.

"Ooooh so the dating game isn't going well then?" I asked with faux innocence.

"Well Henderson, tell me, how many dates have you scored this summer?" He snarked

"Hmmm well unfortunately 0 for the time being harrington but at least I haven't been rejected... was it 7?" I ask turning to Robin

"U-Huh seven"

"Seven times" I smile pleased with myself.

"Yeah yeah I suck I'm aware" He quipped

"Could be worse buddy, could be 8" I comforted sarcastically

"Oh Heather there's still time" Robin turns to me with a smile.

Fuck. Why did the sound of her saying my name make me want to melt. Why was this girl having such an affect on me? I couldn't understand it.

"Hey Steve, I have a lot to tell you so can we steal a booth and and some sundaes?" Dustin pleads with Steve.

"Sure. Hey Heather can you cover for me for like 15 minutes" now Steve is the one pleading

"Fine, but you owe me harrington" I agree as he throws me his scooper.

I turn around to face Robin.

"I hope you're good at scooping ice cream"  she smiles wiping down the counters

"Oh you didn't know? I'm a pro" I smiled back, twirling the scooper between my fingers.

This was gonna be... interesting


A/N - Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying it so far. The next chapter might be a shift in perspective to Robins pov, not entirely sure yet. Please Let me know what you think, its always nice to hear some feedback. Have a nice day :))

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