Chapter 7 - Warm fuzzy feelings

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The four of us walked out into the deserted parking lot, mulling over our thoughts in silence.

"This is me so I'll see you guys tomorrow" Steve said blankly gesturing towards his car.

"See ya" I called after him waving

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked Robin

"Oh no that's ok I like to cycle... it clears my head" she said politely

"Shit... my walkie is about to die I left the batteries in your car, Heather throw me the keys" Dustin rushed. I threw the keys into his hands and he sprinted off to get to the car. Me and Robin strolled slowly in silence, listening to the dull sound of our footsteps

"Hey thanks for all your help today. Couldn't have done it without you" Robin thanked. 

"You're thanking me? You know my brother and harrington wouldnt have gotten anywhere without you right? And speaking 4 languages, how did you even learn to do that?" I asked incredulously

"I like to stay occupied I guess" Robin replied simply

"Well at least you can add 'Russian code' to the list now" I joked

She laughed at that which gave me some warm fuzzy feeling I couldn't quite place. I mean, there was nothing that different from her laugh to everyone else's. Only I couldn't help but notice how her eyes creased slightly as she smiled and how her lips looked such a beautiful shade of pink in the neon lights of starcourt mall.

"So... are you gonna come back tomorrow?" She asked hopefully

"Does it look like I've got much better to do?" I asked rhetorically

"Great because it wouldn't be the same without you" she complimented

Upon hearing this, my stupid cheeks turned a stupid shade of pink which i was desperately hoping wasn't visible under the dark light of night.

"Ok well I better head off before my folks get pissed" Robin said

"I'll see you tomorrow" I returned with a smile

"Can't wait" she replied before running off towards her bike.

God I'm so pathetic.

What the hell is going on with me today? I'm probably just about to start my period or something and my hormones have gone all whack.

I tried to push my thoughts to the back of my head as, after all, the possibility of evil Russians in Hawkins was likely much more severe than some teenage hormone bullshit.

I hopped into my car to see dustin staring at me suspiciously.

"Why are you acting weird?" He asked blankly

"I am not acting weird!" I replied a little too defensively

"Is it Steve?" He asked

"God. No. It is not Steve okay I'm perfectly fine I'm just... you know... a little weirded out at the prospect of their being evil Russians casually living in our very boring town is that allowed?"

Dustin didn't seem too phased by the whole thing however, this didn't seem out of the ordinary for him at all. It's probably just because he's a kid and thinks this is some d&d plot or something.

I probably shouldn't have snapped at him but in my defense, it was a long day and there were many revelations in a very short period of time.

The car ride back was fairly quiet, neither of us really wanting to talk.

As soon as we got back, we immediately took a beeline to our rooms and went straight to bed.

Normally, my head would be too spinning with thoughts to rest but I was just too tired having spent almost 12 hours in a stuffy ice cream break room with an Aircon that seemed to only be working part-time.

And yet, for some reason I was kind of excited to return the next day. I couldn't quite figure out why but something had me intrigued. And like my middle school science teacher Mr Clark always said...

'once the curiosity door is opened, anything is possible'


Sorry this one's a bit shorter but I wanted to add some more stuff that wasn't in the show to mix it up a little. The next chapter will be back in scoops ahoy don't worry! Have a great day :))

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