Chapter Eight: In the Basement

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At the corner of the room, against the small cell were two people. It was Nathan and Amy. Their mouths were gagged and legs bound with duct tape. Their eyes were covered with a rag cloth and they mumbled incoherently. She obviously knew this must be the basement of the house. Rachel thought she saw a smudge of blood on their face. She crouched over to pick up the bread knife and ran toward them. As she came close to them, their mumbling seemed louder than before. She quickly placed her hand on Amy's mouth, struggling to remove the tape. As she finally removed it, Amy started to cry.

"Shh, Amy, don't let them hear you," she whispered and took a quick scan around her. She sawed the duct tape at Amy's legs with the bread knife. Amy nodded at her but her eyes still poured tears. Rachel moved over to Nathan, his face had a small cut at his left temple as a thin line of blood trickled down to his face. His arms bore mild bruises. It appeared he fought with someone. She removed the duct tape on his legs, arm, and his mouth.

"Rachel! You're okay!" he said, exhilarated to see her. Rachel was taken aback by his reaction. He was the one that had a cut beside his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine but what about you guys?" she replied, "What happened?"

"We need to get out of here!" Amy urged. Rachel agreed, questions should be later but right now they need to get out of the basement before they decide to come back. As she was about to turn around, Amy screamed.

Between the door and them were Jay and Scott. Jay cast an angry stare with both of his hands hidden behind his back. Scott also had something hidden behind his back as he smirked at her. Rachel hid the knife behind her as she went in between Nathan and Amy. She hugged them in a way to comfort and protect them. Rachel was stunned; almost mortify at herself for not hearing them come inside. Her guess was they hid behind those carbon boxes and the kids didn't know about it.

"You got our message," Jay said. Both Jay and Scott now revealed what they hid behind their back. Scott had his butcher knife while Jay had a rope. Scott went towards Rachel who clung on to Amy who froze in fear and Nathan who was enraged. Instead of stabbing her, Scott used his free hand and slapped her across the face. Amy shrieked while Nathan jetted up to attack. Scott promptly pointed his knife at Nathan and grabbed him off the floor. Rachel tried to snatch him back but she wasn't quick enough.

"I'm sick of playing games," Scott grumbled at them. He held Nathan by the shoulder, the knife closed to his neck. He thrust the boy at Jay and exchanged his knife with the rope.

"Please don't hurt him!" Rachel pleaded as she ignored the pain that stung across her crimson cheek.

"Oh, we're not gonna hurt him," Scott sneered. "We're gonna end his life!"

"You can't be serious," Rachel said. Scott snubbed at Rachel and he turned around to face Jay.

"Kill him, Jay," he simply said.

"Why me?" Jay replied.

"Look, I killed that girl, Alicia, now it's your turn. I can't do all the work here."

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