"Up you go." Sander whispered as he helped her up on her bed.

Carina was going in and out of consciousness. Everything was blurry and spinning. What was happening to her?

She could feel cold hands taking of her top, she couldn't make out who it was.

Then the hands slid down her stomach. Before Carina could say anything her pants was of. She started to wiggle a little but the hands kept roaming until she laid there naked.

Carina was completely helpless. Nothing but whispers left her mouth as she kept trying to wiggle out of the hold of someone she didn't want to have in her room.

"Stap tha'" she mumbled lazily. Her hands trying to shove the culprit of.

"Lay still C. It's just some fun." Sander smirked.

"Sander? Don't wanna."

Sander wouldn't budge. He kept on doing what he wanted. Carina felt sick. She still couldn't hear much and everything was spinning. Her eyesight was a little better, but she wished it wasn't.

She watched helplessly as her brothers best friend continued to assault her.

His lips attacked her while he harshly grabbed every sexual spot on her body.

"You're fucking tight." Sander groaned in pleasure.

"Help." Sobs escaped her. Her voice was raspy and low.

"Help." She continued. Tears was all she could see

Sander didn't think much of it. No one was going to hear her.

"Don't do it!"

"Cops!" Could be heard from outside of the room. Followed by hurriedly footsteps running out of the house.

"Help!" Carina was slowly getting her voice back.

"Shut up you whore!" Sander spat. He knew that Carina was slowly getting back to herself again.

He climbed of the bed. He scrambled in the dark to find his clothes that he had thrown of earlier.

Carina was still laying in the bed, her body was too heavy to move but her voice was there.

"Help! Help me!" She continued between her cries. "Please help." She continued.

"Shut your fucking mouth. No one is helping you!" Sander yelled at the top of his lungs.

As he finished his sentence two female police officers stormed into the room.

"Fucking hell." One muttered as she assessed the scene.

"Please help me." Carina sobbed. She was still naked on the bed with blood surrounding her. Her own blood.

"Officer Blue, take the man out of here." The blond woman told the brunette one.

She moved towards the crying girl on the bed. Carina was now hysterical.

"Hello dear." She said "Can you tell me your name."

"C-Carina." She sobbed she was to vulnerable right now.

"Okay Carina. I am Andrea. I'm going to help you. Do you know where you are?" Andrea asked as she started to help Carina get dressed.

"Home. I can't move." She hiccuped.

"Do you know how much you've been drinking?" Andrea calmly asked when she also saw that Carina wouldn't budge.

"Nothing. H-H-e d-drugged me." Another sob left her body.

Sixteen MONTHS later...

Tears flooded her vision. The tightness in her throat made it hard to utter any words. Sobs didn't come from her, it came from the baby girl laying in Leanas arms.

"I can't believe you're doing this!" Fifteen year old Vulcan spat before his hand collided with the thick wall.

Carina beckoned all of her brothers to come closer to her. This was just as hard for everyone in the family, but Carina knew she was making the right decision.

She cupped Vulcans throbbing hand and gave it a tender kiss. " I'm just leaving for a few years. I promise I will be back."

Vulcan was close to his sister. Every time his bad temper took over she was the one to calm him down. He felt like his older sister was the only one who hadn't completely given up on his raging side.

Orion held a protective arm over his twin sister. They had been doing everything together up until this moment. A life without her a few rooms down would be immensely hard.

Carina started on her goodbyes. Vulcan was clued to her the whole time. "Take care of the younger once." She whispered to a thirteen year old Cealum. She got a sniffle and a small nod. Carina placed a loving kiss on his forehead.

"Smart ass. Your going to do great in everything you set your mind to. Don't let the mean boys change your mind." Twelve year old Phoenix grinned wide at the compliment from his role model.

Carina knew how much her siblings looked up to her. Nevertheless she didn't know why. The mere reason for her leaving was so disappointing. She was sixteen and leaving everything she loved because of shame. She was ashamed.

"Speedy. You have to be the one to keep your sister on her toes. You're the closest in age. Have fun with her like we had with you." Carina winked at nine year old Hunter. He looked a little confused.

"Why so confused, speedy?" Orion asked.

"She is my uncle child, not sister. She was in Carinas belly, not mommy..." Hunter hadn't quite understood the agreement.

"In theory that's correct. But Carina can't take care of the baby right now so mommy and I are going to take care of her. That means that she is your baby sister." Markus picked little Hunter up on his hip. Hunter nodded in understanding, watching the sleeping baby in his mothers arms.

Carina looked over at her mom who was holding her sleeping daughter. She walked over. Preparing to hold her one last time.

When the five month old baby was placed in her mothers embrace she let out a content sigh. The pacifier in her mouth moving up and down while her chunky hands grasped Carinas shirt.

"I will never blame you for anything. I promise to be back to hold you again. I love you, my sweet little Nova."

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