Jumping into madness

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as Bell was keeping an eye on Wiene, Bete, Tiona, and Tione found the Ikelios Familia and attacked them, it wasn't much of a fight, they were easily killed, and thanks to the mounding evidence in their home, even if an investigation was placed, they would likely be let off with a light warning, but then Bell got his sword out for someone who came at the window in a dark robe.

Fels:" no need to fear, I am Fels, the assistant of Ouranos, he wishes to see you, and the Xenos  Vouivre behind you"

Bell:"... why"

Fels:" to let you know what truly is going on here, you've stepped into something that is bigger than you think"

Fels then vanishes as Bell has to think, but with the possibility of answers, he took the chance, heading to the guild with Wiene in his arms, hopping between rooftops to avoid people and get to the guild, though, as he got there, everyone was in the upstairs area as Fels was waiting for Bell, waving him to come as he head's there, weapon ready and Wiene close by, and as he enters a room that is dark, he meets Ouranos, the god who founded the guild.

Ouranos:"... you don't trust me, do you"

Bell:"... (bringing Wiene closer while drawing his sword slightly)

Ouranos:"... good, trusting off the bat is a bad habit, listen, you wish to know about the Xenos, don't you"

Bell:" Xenos... what Wiene is- THERES MORE"

Ouranos:" Bell Cranel, I can't say I trust Loki, but I will trust you, unlike the rest of the Loki Familia, you alone seem to be the one who I can really rely on"

Bell:" that's quite the praise"

Bell would be given a task by Ouranos himself and Bell would go home with Wiene close by with the quest as Bete, Tiona, and Tione returned seeing Bell contemplating everything that he was just told, around this time, the other executives returned as well, Wiene hiding behind Bell, especially when AIs tried to draw her sword.

Finn:" Ais no, stand down"

Ais:" but-"

Riviera:" AIS"

Ais then bitterly put her sword back in her sheath as she then walked out in anger and slammed the door hard enough to break it off its hinges for Loki to almost ask but then get smacked to the side before she can ask, after treating Loki for about an hour, she was finally able to speak again without crying in pain from her collapsed lung, at least if she wasn't too loud.

Loki:" can someone tell me why Ais broke my ribs and lungs"

Gareth:" if I had to say, it's because we wouldn't let her attack the little lass here"

Gareth petted Wiene's head, though he made sure Wiene herself was comfortable enough with Gareth first before doing so, so nothing too much happened there.

Riveria:" I was shocked that it's true, even though we heard of it, seeing it is-... I'm sorry I can't help but be fascinated by her, her very existence is basically an impossibility as far as the world knows, and yet, here she is, not attacking people and even scared and able to talk-"

Riveira's curiosity somewhat scared Wiene as Riviera corrected herself, honestly, her acting like this was like a little girl being very curious about something new and very interesting, a side Bell didn't expect to see from someone who was almost 100 years old.

Riveria:" Nevertheless, if Evilus want her and her kind dead, then that means we can't let that happen"

Finn:" I'm still trying to decide what to do, for now, Bell, accept the quest, we'll go from there, based on what you find, we'll make a judgment on it later, normally, I wouldn't trust it, but because you helped us to uncover something from Evilus, we'll give you a chance, and if you find something good... we'll do our best"

Gareth:" What if the boy is caught or something"

Finn:" Then Bell can do what he can and we'll adjust from there, but in the open... we'll pretend to oppose him but really just give him a chance to get them out"

Bell:" Wait, you're not going to help me"

Finn:" I can't afford to sully my reputation however, so I can't risk it"

Bell:" Can't caring too much about your reputation and appearance to the people backfire though, there are thousands of stories of the evilest of villains doing all they can to preserve their reputation in the name of justice and with good intentions, but end up some of the worse of all time, even 50 accounts of them being with Hobbits doing what you're doing Finn"

Finn:"... there are... okay now I'm scared"

Finn was genuinely shocked and scared now, could everything he did make him a villain instead of a light for his people, Bell wasn't lying and was telling the truth, and if that was true, what would he do here now that he was thinking about it too much.

Anakity:" Wait, I'm coming too"

Lefiya:" Yeah, we're involved in this as well, we can't ignore it"

Alicia:" And I've grown attached to this little cutie here"

Alicia was pinching Wiene's cheeks as Line and Elfy also join, considering they are the ones with the most experience.

Haruhime:" Then do I help as well"

Riveria:" No, it's better you stay out of this for now, given Bell's helped to free you from slavery, if you help him and he's caught, then it would look like he's starting a revolt, but if you stay with us, it'll be better for Bell's case if he's caught"

and with that, it's on the way to help with this mission given to him by the real head of the guild himself, but what happens is up to anyone now.

(due to complications, I can only get this much instead of my normal 20,000+ stories, hope you understand)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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