End of Ishtar

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as the red light district was basically up in flames, 3 parties are in this battle, and the guild was panicking at the mayhem that was taking place, 3 of some of oranio's strongest familia's are in an area battling as the Ares familia is attacking Oranio, and the Kali familia is in Oranio causing some trouble, the staff was running, shuffling, and falling left and right trying to at least minimize the damages that are ensuing.


Enia:" do we ask the Genesha Familia to help us contain and control the situation"

Royman:" no, that would only add fuel to the fire, just make sure that thing's don't get to out of hand and keep all damage to a minimal... if that's possible"

Misha:" so much, to much, we're not able to keep up"

Royman:" how did all this start anyway, what does our consultant say"

Enia:" well, when I asked him, it seem's that this all started with Ishtar kidnaping 2 member's of the Loki familia and when they left to get them back, for some unknown reason, the Freya familia joined in"

Royman:"... okay, we'll give a pass to the Loki familia for their action's, we can't expect them to do nothing when they have a familia member kidnapped, but we can't overlook the Freya familia in this, what do they have in this"

and in her guess bedroom in Babel, Kali is drinking some Soma wine as she watches the entire event unfold with joy and glee.

Kali:" things seem more interesting in Oranio than I though, who knew this place was basically a constant battlefield"

Bache:" is this what you were looking for when you wanted us to see if Oranio was interesting or not"

Kali:" oh heck yeah, I see thing's are far more interesting here than in Telskyura, it's a shame we'll leave soon, but maybe we'll be able to take the kid with us, he'd be a interesting breeding stud for us"

 Argana:" if our children level up as fast as he does, he is more than worth bearing children for if we wish for strong offspring"

Kali:" though... he'd have to make it through this first"

in the mist of the chao's, Bell looked outside and saw fire and explotion's everywhere, and he immediately though that the Loki familia found him, so he headed to help Haruhime, he then saw Aisha at one point and followed, as a result, he found Haruhime, and as he fought through a few dozen Ishtar Familia member's, he came across one which was a expert in hand to hand, but in the end, Bell prevailed as he was able to get a hit that sent her off the building as he then was faced with the final 2, Aisha and Phryne.

Phryne:" you did well to get this far, however, it end's here"


Aisha:" well, we planned to fight Loki anyway, so I guess this work's out fine, but as thing's stand, the killing stone is our only out in this"

Phryne:" yes, you think our goddess forgot about that girl's magic, it was why she baught her, but then, you come by the day she arrives and pay the slave driver more than we paid for her and like that, she's gone, for week's, we were waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and thank's to that, we got our chance"

Bell saw the killing stone and used that as a distraction, he aimed a firebolt to hit, but he broke the killing stone with it instead, making their plan fall apart, no way Loki will stay silent now, and if Bell got Haruhime, he could get them out, but, he was cased with a level 4 Aisha and a level 5 Phryne, and as a level 3, his odd's are not good.

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