☆ Heart Shaped Locket ☆

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Wow, It's been a hectic few months. A human found her way into the demon realm and decided to stay with Eda and King for a while. She ended up taking the little room that I normally stay in when I sleep over there but that's fine. For the first while of Luz being here, I didn't stay over there, mostly because I wanted to give her some time alone (Eda and King are a lot to live with after all). Although it was a bit scary at first with her having a very loud/energetic personality we ended up getting along quite well. Luz being human was also a very weird thing, it made me feel uneasy being around her. But that's probably because I used to hear stories about humans from other witches, most were horror stories so that explains that. Luz even got accepted to Hexside, though I don't go very often so I don't get to hang out with her that much. She's made a lot of friends, and even changed the principal's opinion about students taking multiple tracks.

Then Eda almost got petrified which was terrifying to watch. Luz broke the portal door, so at the moment, she's kinda stuck on the Boiling Isles. And even Lilith betrayed the Emperor's Coven and now she's also staying here. I don't know if I fully trust her but Eda says she's trustworthy so I'll believe her. It feels a little scraped in the owl house nowadays, but that doesn't stop me from visiting every now and again.

Like today! At the moment I'm sitting in the living room with King, he was giving me a lesson about demons but he got a bit sleepy and fell asleep on the couch. I sit down on the floor and start cleaning up the papers and diagrams he was using.

"Hey, Y/n!"

I pause my cleaning up and look up at Luz. "Hey, what's up?"

"Do you have an opinion for dinner? Eda wants to know." She asks.

"Nah, I'm fine with whatever."

"Ok- Oh, I wanted to ask this the other day. What's that necklace you have?"

I look down at the heart locket around my neck. "Oh, it's nothing."

Luz plops down next to me. "No, tell me! Is it from a person∼?" She says with a smirk.

I laugh quietly trying to not wake up King. "No, no. It's a family thing, it was passed down my family." The smirk leaves Luz's face. "Though I think it was some romantic thing at one point cause it has some initials craved into it." I set the papers down in a neat pile. I take the necklace off and show it to Luz.

"Ooo, tell me about it! I wanna know about it, was it tragic?"

"No idea. About 60 years ago there was a fire, it destroyed most of the documents about my family, so I don't know whose necklace this is. All I know is it was some family members and it got passed down."

"A fire?" Luz tilts her head to the side.

I shrug. "I guess, that's what my parents said."

"Was there-" "LUZ, I thought you were helping me make dinner?" Eda calls from the other room.

"Oh right!" Luz stands up. "We'll talk later, ok?"




mmm lore

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