☆Meeting Him ☆

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Do you ever feel like you're being followed? Cause that overwhelming feeling of discomfort is happening right now.

'I should have stayed the night at the owl house...'

It's not that late out, it's only 10 pm but then again we are scheduled for some boiling rain later tonight so it's not there surprising that no one is out right now.

I look behind me but nothing is there. My paranoia is getting the best of me again. I continue walking the way home but could shake the feeling. It also probably doesn't help that I decided to walk through the rundown part of town.

'Or maybe I should have accepted Eda's invitation to fly me home, then again Owlbert was sleeping and I couldn't bring myself to wake that precious angel-'

A small crack of something breaking behind me scares me out of my thoughts. I turn, looking down the empty street. I have a bad feeling about this. I take a step back but bump into something.

'Uh oh.'

I quickly move a safe distance away from the figure. The figure wears a golden mask and a white cloak that covers their whole body and the most concerning part is the large weird-looking staff they're holding, which is illuminating the surrounding area. We stare at each other for a moment.


"What are you doing out right now? You do know it's going to rain soon, right?"

I slightly tense my body. 'Who the hell is this guy?'

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm walking home." I say.

"It's a school night, what are you doing out this late?"

"Dude, you sound like you're the same age as me, what are you doing out this late?"

That is a second of silence before he continues talking.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks.

"No, I wouldn't say I do." I have to fight the urge to not roll my eyes.

"I'm the Golden Guard." He says as if I should be impressed.

I stand there not sure of how to respond. I mean what the hell is the 'Golden Guard'? "Oh, did you go to Hexside? You seem kinda familiar."

"Huh? No, I didn't. I work in the Emperor's Coven. I'm the Emperor's right-hand man, ring any bells?" He talks with frustration with a hint of desperation. I almost feel bad, almost.

"Oh. Nope, never heard of you." 'Wait.'

"Hold on, you work for the Emperor?" I ask.

He seems to get a confidence boost from that. "Yes, I am." He talks proudly and shows off the coven sigil on his wrist. Oh. I shouldn't be talking to this guy.

"Is... is that real?" I say, continuing to talk to this guy.

He nods his head. "Yes, the Emperor himself gave it to me."

"Woah. Uh, don't they have like, a minimum age for that?" This feels like child abuse.

"Oh, well normal you join a coven after you graduate but I was a special exception."

"Okay... Wait what did you say you're the Golden Guard?" He nods. "Oh, I do know who you are."

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah, my school took a tour of the Emperor's castle last year, Lilith talked about you."

He visibly tenses up. "She did..?"

"Yeah, she called you an annoying brat."


'I should not have said that.'


"Anyway, I've got to get home. My parents are probably worried about me."

I try to slip past him but he moves the staff in front of me, blocking my path.

"Before you go I need you to answer some questions."

"Okay-.. Uh, ask away!" I really hope tonight doesn't end with me in the Conformatorium.

"Have you seen anything suspicious around this area?"

"Uhm, nope! Can you go home now? After all, it's probably going to start raining soon."

He stares at me for a moment and sighs, moving the staff out of my path.

"Uh ok." I quickly walk past him. I turn to say something but when I turn around he's already gone.

'Jeez, that guy was weird.'

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