Chapter 3: The Black Hat Organisation and A New Member

Start from the beginning

Black Hat: WHAT? HOW?!!! Okay, that's progress, what is the job about?

Flug;: Apparently they want us to take care of a nosy heroine.

Black Hat: Perfect, what better way to start our services than to eliminate a hero, what powers does she have?

Flug: She only has great superhuman strength ability.

Black Hat: Only that? I see that the current villains are incredibly weak, in agreement we will also test the new machine you just build, right doctor?

Flug: But sir, it is only a prototype I do not know if (seeing how Black Hat looks at me with a murderous look) of course sir! but i most recommend that we do not reveal the name until we see if it works.

Black Hat: Whatever, ok now we will go deal with the heroin.

Flug; Do you want me to send the mutants after her, sir?

Black Hat: No, I will prove myself that a mere human cannot be a nuisance to me, get everything ready and let's go, well that was it, I hope that more people become a subsidiary to my company.

Flug: well that was it, we wait for some worthy villains and not some metiocre fools to bacome a part of this organization, until next time (cutting the transmission). Excuse me Cool boss, what do you plan to do with the heroin?

Black Hat: I want to see if it is true that a pure heart cannot be corrupted, that's what your machine is for isn't it, by the way, what's the name of heroin?

Flug;: Hmmm, let me see (checking his tablet)...she's called Decency.

Black Hat: So she's called Decency, well, I hope that you have preapared everything ready for our first mission, doctor.

Flug: Also gladly boss (walking towards the lab)

Black hat and flug were on top of a building, preparing everything for their "guest".

Black Hat: Are the traps ready, Flug?

Flug: Well, you see boss, the thing is...

???: Black Hat!

Black Hat and Dr Flug: Who's there?!

In front of them was a 19-year-old woman, she was wearing red and black striped leggings and fingerless long-sleeved gloves of the same color with a jacket sleeveless, her left eye is yellow and the other one black, she also has red hair, when she arrived you could see immediately who she was Decency.

Black Hat: So, are you Decency? It's a shame it have to do with a beauty like you, but it's the job.

Decency: (blushing) Y-You t-think I'm a beauty?, I-I don't know what to say. Wait a minute stop it. Don't try to seduce me Black Hat, I have come here to defeat you, from the first moment I saw you on the communication signals, I knew that you were a danger, I swear I will defeat you.

Black Hat: (ignoring her) flattering, (wispering to Flug) how long before the traps are activated?

Flug: (Whispering back) about that, it takes like 5 minutes to activate, so you have to distract her for a while.

Black hat: Are you serious?! -I have no choice, if I attack her she could die and that would be a waste of having brought that new invention, and the fact, she blushed when I called her beautiful is a strange sign considering who i am, but luckily I have a plan- (thought to myself)

Black Hat: Listen to me you little heroin, what if I tell you that I can give you a new job.

Decency: Are you crazy? I would never join the forces of evil, I swore to fight for what is fair, and always defending the innocent.

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