Sebastian Sallow.

Start from the beginning

"I must say that's quite the introduction you've made, starting as late as you are and rumor's of you surviving a Dragon attack no less" he looks at me with questioning eyes.

"what can I say, I like to leave an impression" I smile at him and he chuckles lightly causing me to have butterflies form in my stomach. He moves slightly closer and I can't help but notice how sweet he smells a mix of bertie bots every flavoured beans, pine and parchment or old books.

 "you certainly left an impression that's for sure, I'm Sallow, Sebastian Sallow" he gives a small silly bow making me laugh.

"I'm Y/N" I return the gesture. His eye's seem to gleam.

"Welcome to Slytherin, I'm glad you got here in one piece despite Dragons trying to stop you. Let me introduce you to my friend Ominis" he gestures for me to follow and heads towards the back of the common room.

Three giant windows from the floor to the ceiling giving a breathtaking view of the Black Lake and a group of first years seemed anxious looking out muttering something about mermaids, near them a boy smiling in amusement, blonde slicked back hair and greyed out eyes.

"Ominis, this is the new fifth year ; Y/N" Sebastian announces to the boy.

Ominis smiles "Well you certainly had a memorable arrival" his head slightly tilted in my direction.

"well starting late I had to make my presence as memorable as possible"I chuckle, he laughed at my statement.

"you're in the correct house then, let me know if you need help navigating your way around the school" he smiles, Sebastian lets out a small laugh "oh shut up Sallow" Ominis sighs. 

I look at Sebastian an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, don't mind me I just appreciated his use of 'navigation' Ominis is blind and uses his wand to navigate the school, highly impressive if you ask me" he smirks making Ominis sigh once again. Before I speak a loud voice echoes in the common room.

"Y/N? Professor Weasley is waiting for you outside the entrance to our common room, she requests your presence".

I recognize the voice of the prefect who showed me to my dorm last night "well, duty calls" I smile at Sebastian "I'll hopefully see you around, it was a pleasure meeting both of you" I say to them both but don't take my eyes of Sebastian .

"Good luck" Ominis nods "Pleasure was all mine, Y/N" Sebastian gives me a wink and I turn on my hells heading for the stairs before he notices the blush I can feel burning on my cheeks.

Leaving the Slytherin common I am greeted by Professor Weasley "Good Morning Miss Y/L/N, I hope you slept well" she smiles sweetly at me.

"Good Morning Professor, I did thank you" I nodded.

 "I'm glad to hear it" she gestures for me to follow "as you're starting late you'll be at an disadvantage for your O.W.Ls however me and the other professors have come up with some extra assignments out of the classroom for you to complete that should help you catch up a bit, I'm also looking into something a little extra that may help but will discuss that more with you later today once arrangements have been put in place. There are also some students who may be willing to tutor you in your free time if needed I'm sure" I sigh slightly at the idea of all this work but understand it's for the best.

"Thank you Professor, I appreciate all the help" following her through the school it's interesting to see the life everywhere you look. Flying books, portraits moving and talking it seems there's mysteries in every corner of Hogwarts and the school alive with the hum of all the students. Following Professor Weasley down some more corridors I wonder where we're heading and as if she was reading my mind she spoke up.

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