Chapter 1

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Hey, everyone! Welcome to yet another one of my stories. I hope everyone is just as excited for this one as I am! I would like to point out that I will be using both "Henry" and "Peter" as his name. In his mind, he's Henry. But to others, he's Peter. So there will be a lot of back and forth on that!

Also, in case not everyone read the entire summary, there will be mentions of sexual abuse in this story. I will put warnings on those chapters, since it's a hard thing to read. But don't worry, I will not be going into full descriptions on that!

With that being said, welcome to my dark Henry story 🖤🖤🖤

It was a cold, stormy day in the small town of Hawkins. Lightening flashed behind the dark clouds, while the rain flooded the roads.

Anastasia had always hated storms. She felt that days like these were a doorway to darkness. A prediction of what's to come.

And boy, should she have listened to her instincts.

Frantically grabbing her keys, she ran out into the rain, instantly ruining her hair.

She was running late due to the storm, her heart hammering against her rib cage. Anastasia needed this job more than anything, officially at her wits end.

Not entirely sure as to why a lab such as this would require a nurse, but she didn't dwell on it too much.

That was her first mistake.

Gagging noises sounded throughout the small room, the feeling of saliva dripping off of him. He rolled his eyes at the realization that she was taking too long. "Could you hurry the fuck up?"

The young orderly bellow him had teary eyes that met his scowl.

Looking away, he grasped onto the table behind him, feeling her lips move up and down his shaft.

As Henry got older, he learned that he had caught multiple females attention. He wasn't an idiot, he knew he had attractive qualities. But for him, these women were useless. Just another mouth for his pleasure.

Years went by, and he started giving in to pass the time. He hated to admit that on some occasion, it did feel good. And it sure as shit beat getting electrocuted on a daily basis. It was one way to get out his frustrations.

For the third time, the woman gagged and instantly backed away. "For fuck sake," Henry grunted out, losing his patience as he wrapped his fingers into her hair, pushing her back onto his cock.

His hips began slamming against her mouth, forcing her to swallow him whole.

An evil grin plastered on his face when he felt her struggle underneath him. He often wondered what it would be like to hold her there until she died from suffocation. The idea was intriguing.

Letting out a soft groan, he shot his cum down her throat, then yanked her off of him.

As the woman coughed and choked, she looked up at him with a glare. "Jesus, Peter."

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it. You weren't getting the job done yourself, anyways," he mumbled as he wiped his dick clean and tucked himself away.

"Well, it would be nice if you returned the favor for once," she attempted to reply in a seductive tone, strolling over to Henry. "Maybe, fuck me till I can't walk?"

His brow furrowed as he looked down at her. The woman wasn't ugly, but that didn't matter to him. She disgusted him in more ways than one. "I'm not going anywhere near your filthy pussy. You're lucky I even let you use your mouth. Don't pretend like you don't get off while doing so, either. I see how much you shake."

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