XIX. Angels on the Moon

Start from the beginning

"There is madness," Aethelwold's voice added. Now Sihtric and Rickon fought to keep Jaehaera from rushing him. "Father Beocca, Jaehaera, you are suffering."

"I do not wish to hear your voice," Beocca scolded the man with anger. "It was you who killed her. Not some stray ember on a bed of straw."

"I am not to blame for your-"

"It was you!" Jaehaera interrupted angrily while Sihtric and Rickon held her still. "If not directly, then by the words you whisper! By the lies you tell, the bile you spew!" She continued to shout at him.

"I think we should find another table," Aethelwold spoke as if dismissing her and Beocca.

"In the eyes of some," Beocca spoke more calmly than Jaehaera, "a gentlewoman became an enemy and nothing more. You should turn a deaf ear to this man."

"Father Beocca," Aethelred began, and Jaehaera turned her head to glare at him. One that would send Steapa, the big man, into a corner in fear. "I will forgive this display just once. Another word from you, or her," he turned to look a Jaehaera with disgust. She would have leapt on him if Sihtric and Rickon hadn't been holding her. "And you will pay."

Beocca said nothing, just nodded at Jaehaera and the others to tell them to leave. Sihtric and Rickon cautiously let go of Jaehaera. She did not attack the men, just sent the fear of the gods into them before walking away with the others. She continued on without the others. She did not know where to go, but she would walk until she found it.

It seemed her feet always wandered back to Beocca's, even when it stood. She stood in front as the anger continued to burn inside her. Jaehaera's foot connected with something on the ground, one of the buckets. What use they were, she thought before she groaned angrily and kicked it away from her. Angry tears flowed and she crouched down, holding her chest.

Sihtric stopped when he found her, and he sighed sadly for her when he heard her angry sobs. His eyes began to water as he got close to her. He placed a gentle hand on her back as he crouched, and he felt her flinch at the sudden contact and turn.

Jaehaera's blue eyes found his brown and green ones and turned to look away from him again. He nudged her head with his, and she leaned into him. Jaehaera connected their foreheads. It's like he had a beacon that shone for him whenever she needed him, a feeling deep within him. They were bonded forever, she knew that now. No matter what they faced, no matter what they would go through...the two would always have each other.

He gently stood her up and held her in his arms. She rested her forehead against his once more and found peace in his arms. The peace she had felt before when she felt Thyra in the breeze. "She is here," she whispered to him. "All around us."

Sihtric held her tighter in his arms and nodded. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. "Gisela and her family will welcome her with open arms," he comforted when he found the right words. They stood there for a few moments before Sihtric told her they were to find the others.


The next morning while she was walking with Sihtric and the others they found her father walking with Steapa from the place. He wasn't in chains, but he did not look like he wanted to be with him. "Lord?" Finan called toward Steapa and her father. "What is this, a hunting party?"

"I am an outlaw once again," Uhtred answered while they walked to meet each other. The Queen and Edward appeared walking from the palace as well. "To be banished or executed."

"Shall we follow you, Lord?" Sihtric asked. "Leave Wintanceaster for the danes?" Jaehaera looked up at him from next to him. Her father had stopped by the well in the center of the square. Edward, the Queen, and Aethelflaed watched from the steps. Soon more and more people gathered.

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