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This takes place a little after (2 years) Charlie and Nick get there own place

Charlie's pov: My mum called today asking if me and Nick were free to come by to have lunch together and talk? Things out, I haven't spoken to her directly since I moved-i didn't really have anything to say I mean how could I- what does one say to there mother who just kicked them out after calling them an "attention seeking child" but I guess its time I hear her out and plus I'll have Nick there with me so it won't be so bad...right?

*time skip*

"I don't know about this, what if I just tell her im sick or something?" I panic "Char its gonna be alright. your gonna be alright, I'll be right by your side the whole time and if at any time you wanna leave just tell me and we'll get in the car and come right back home" Nick says calmly holding my shoulders I sign and just rest my head on his chest "it's just the only thing I remember was the fight and I never thought to talk to her again, what she did really fucked with me" I say trying to hold back tears "I know, but maybe she'll apologize and try to build back your guys relationship" Nick says still holding me "I hope so.." I mumble. After pacing around our bedroom for 30 minutes we finally got in the car and are now heading to the house, I texted Tori right after mum called me and she said she'll take Ollie out so the house will be empty for us to talk I don't know where I would be without Tori and Nick. The ride wasn't long so sooner then I'd like me and Nick were sitting in the car outside the front door "remember we can always go right back home" Nick says with the keys in hand "no it's ok I'm sure it'll be fine" I say unsure. We walk up to the front door and knock and within seconds the door flings open and we see my mum standing there "Charlie! Hi it's been so long" she says going to hug me but I just step back and look at her "well lunch is almost ready so how about you boys come in and we can talk?" She says "yeah sure" I reply quietly. We walk in and I notice nothings really changed everything looks the same, I don't know why but I was expecting all photos with me in it to be gone, me and Nick take two seats at the kitchen table and my mum sits across from us "would you guys like some tea?" She asks, I go to say something but no words come out but then Nick steps in and says "yeah that'll be good thank you" i watch my mum walk to the counter and get out three glasses and then I turn to Nick and whisper "thank you" he looks at me and smiles and says "it's okay" when I look back I see she's come back with mugs- after passing ours to us she takes a seat and starts to talk "so how have you guys been? I know we haven't talked in a while so I'd like to know how university is going" here we go "actually I've decided to do school online" I mutter her facial expression was a mix between bewildered and disappointment "oh why?" She ask before I open my mouth I feel Nick grab my hand "it was just a better option.." I say kind of beating around the bush "well I can't see why you'd need to do remote, you can walk, talk and see fine" she says and me and Nick just stare at her not knowing how to address that "well i think the remote option is better for my mental health" I mumble she then proceeded to scoff "Charlie you are not serious with this, again?! No I will not handle this again, Charlie you are fine, you just want attention....." I didn't even hear the rest of what she said, you'd think after 2 years of not talking she'd finally understand where I was coming from when I tried to tell her everything I've been through but she still has her mind set on me being an attention seeking child, I finally snap back into reality to hear Nick talking quite loudly too "...and Instead of being there for him when he needed you you decided to take matters in to your own hands and kick him out Ms. Spring I mean no harm to you or your family but you can't treat your own son that way and then expect him to trust you again after everything"

Nicks pov: (short)
After she said that I look at Charlie and he's just staring at the wall behind her and you can see the tears swelling in his eyes and of course Jane doesn't care her son is quite literally sitting in front of her trying not the cry because she's still throwing everything at him "...that's what's it's always been with you and whenever someone looks away from you for a second you throw a fit god Charlie when will you grow up and stop bei-" I cut her off by saying "he's not a child you just treat him like one, your the only one who thinks that him not wanting to have a relationship with you is "childish" when it's actually him being mature, he's been through so much and instead
of being there for him when he needed you you decided to take matters in to your own hands and kick him out Ms. Spring I mean no harm to you or your family but you can't treat your own son that way and then expect him to trust you again after everything" both her and Charlie look at me, I look at Charlie with a look that speaks words, he nods his head and we get up to leave.

(Back to Charlie's pov)

I just stare at Nick with love, he looks back at me with a look that says "do you wanna go" and I just nod my head so we get up and before I start to walk off I turn to my mum and say "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't the son you wanted" we leave and before we get into the car I grab Nicks arm and pull him into a hug and say "thank you. Thank you so very much, I love you" he kisses the top of my head before saying "you don't have to thank me I'll always protect you, I love you too"

Words: 1139

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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