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TW!! Contains puking,swearing,mentions of ED

Charlie's pov- I woke up with this nauseating headache and a stomachache, I knew if I asked my mum if I can stay home she'd throw a fit and tell me to suck it up so it's not even worth the fight, I block the pain out and get out of bed and get dressed for school after I finish putting on my uniform I head to the washroom to brush my teeth, as soon as I enter the washroom I head for the toilet instead of the sink due to the fact I could feel last nights small portion of food making it's way back up, I flush the toilet and start brushing my teeth after I'm done I open the door and see tori "Jesus tori! why are you standing right outside the washroom" I say startled "I heard you throwing up, I wanted to make sure you were ok...are you ok?" She ask looking concerned "yeah..I'm fine, it was just a one time thing, please don't worry I'm fine" I tell her, I get downstairs and put my shoes on and make my way to the kitchen to get some water "Charles make sure you get some breakfast, I don't want you to be hungry in class" my mum says "ok I'll grab an apple on our way out" I lie, my and tori start leaving for our bus and I run out the house so my mum doesn't realize I didn't eat anything, just the thought of eating makes me want to puke, as me and tori are walking to the bus stop she looks at me and says "you didn't eat breakfast" I look at her "huh" "you didn't eat breakfast! You told mum you'd eat an apple but you didn't, Charles are you ok" she states "yes tori I'm completely fine, I just don't feel like eating right now please just drop it" she doesn't say anything for the whole rest of the time we're together, we get off the bus and wave goodbye and walk our separate ways, I get to the school gate and I can feel that I'm about to throw up again, I start running to the nearest washroom and don't even care people are staring, I get into a stall and immediately let everything out, I hadn't ate anything so it was just water, I flush the toilet and wash my mouth and hands and walk to form, I enter the classroom and see Nick he has a smile on his face and is on his phone "hi!" He says in a good mood "..hey" I say back "char are you ok? look a bit pale" he ask "yeah I'm fine just didn't get enough sleep, don't worry I'll be fine" I say trying to ease his worry, the bell rings and it's time for our next lesson I say goodbye to Nick and start walking to maths

*time skip*
It's now break time and I'm walking to meet Nick for lunch, I didn't pack any lunch because I knew I wasn't gonna eat it, I get to the table and lay my head on Nick and close my eyes "hey! How are you feeling?" Nick says I just barely heard what he said I don't think I would've heard him if I wasn't directly near him "yeah...just tired" after a few minutes I feel my stomach churn and start running to the toilets, i go into a stall and start puking my vision goes blurry and I lay my head against the stall wall after a few seconds I regain consciousness as I heard someone banging on the stall was Nick

Nicks pov- Charlie was drifting off while laying on my arm when all of a sudden he jolts up and starts running to the washroom confused I follow him and after I enter the washroom I hear someone gagging "oh no" I say to myself, after I find which stall Charlie's in I place small knocks on the door you can't really hear cause of the sound of gagging, after some time it goes quite and I start knocking a little louder "Charlie!? Are you ok!" *silence* "char! Can you hear me?" I say while my voice starts the shake "yeah I can hear you, I'm fine" he says weakly "no char your not fine, your ill" I say "no I'm n-" he's interrupted by more gagging "ok...I'm sick" he admits and I let out a laugh, I hear the toilet flush and the door unlocks and Charlie walks out and walks over to the sink, he cleans his hands and face afterwards he leans over the sink "do you want to go home?" I ask "...yeah" he says while his head sits in his arm, he gains some strength and walks out the washroom while holding my hand, we gather our things and call our parents "hey mum, Charlie's sick and I was wondering if I could leave early to look after him since his parents work late today" "I don't see why not but your going tomorrow" "yes of course mum!, thank you" "your welcome Nicky, hope Charlie gets better see you at home"
I hang up the phone and walk back to Charlie so we can start heading to his house

Charlie's pov- me and Nick enter my house and I drop my bag and run upstairs leaving Nick by the the front door, I run into the washroom and start gagging again, as I'm sat on the floor I see the door open and Nick walks over to me with a wet cloth, some water and some medicine "here take this" he says while handing me the stuff "why thank you" I say feeling like the life is being drained out of me, after I clean up and brush my teeth I go to my room to put something comfier on while Nick goes back downstairs to re cool the cloth, I put on some joggers and one of Nicks jumpers and flop down in bed, after sometime my bedroom door opens and it's Nick he comes over to me and lays down next to me and brings me into his arms "thank you" I say while closing my eyes "your welcome, get some sleep I love you" he says playing with my hair "I love you too" I say drifting off into his arms

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