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Charlie's pov: today me and Nick are going to Tao and Elle's place for game night, Tao said him and Elle made some new friends and wanted to introduce us. "Nick!! I'm ready let's go!!" I yell, Nick comes downstairs and goes to grab his coat "ok let's go!" He mutters and kisses me on the cheek. *time skip* while in the car on our way there I tell Nick how I'm excited to meet Tao and Elle's new friends, we keep driving and we are now just a block away and I text Tao we're close
(Tao and Charlie's texts)
Charlie: hey! We're like two minutes away, see you soon
Tao: ok, Darcy,Tara,Issac are already here so we're just waiting on you two and Aled
Charlie: that's if he even comes lol
Tao: he said we would so fingers crossed 🤞🏼
Charlie: 😂 ok we're out front

Nicks pov: Me and Charlie have arrived at Tao and Elle's house and as were walking up to the door I give Charlie another kiss "what's that for?" He ask "Taos not gonna let us kiss in front of him" I replay "oh yeah" he says whilst laughing
After we knocked on the door Elle opens it and greets us and we walk in and say hi to our friends while I'm saying hello to Darcy I look over to the couch and see two people I've never met, one is a fairly tall guy with piercings and a few tattoos, he has brown curly hair with blond tips and is dressed in a grey shirt, black jeans with converse, the other is a girl about Darcy's height with purple hair dressed in a brown skirt, pink crop top and the thickest boots ever. After I'm done talking with Darcy me and Charlie walk over and meet the two on the couch, "hi I'm Charlie" he says to the girl "hey, I'm Vicki" she says shaking his hand, I introduced myself to the guy, "hey I'm Nick" he gives me a weird look and says "cool, I'm Finn" Charlie noticed his weird attitude and looks at me and mouths the words "what's his problem" I just shrug my shoulders, after we get settled me and char sit next to Finn so it me on the right end then Charlie then Finn and then Vicki is on the left end, Aled showed up not long after me and Charlie so now we're all playing uno, after a while me, Charlie, Tara, Me and Finn are out and the rest of the group keep playing, I get up to use the washroom and tell Charlie where I'm off to "hey char I'll be right back I'm just gonna find the loo" I say getting up "ok!" he whisper yells

Charlie's pov: After Nick left I turn to Finn and try and start some small talk "hey I like your tattoos, did they hurt?" I ask "Nah not really you get pretty used to it" he say looking at his arm, after a while of talking he asks me a question that I thought was pretty weird but I answered it anyway "hey are you gay by any chance?" "Uh yeah, what about you?" I ask and he replies with "oh yeah I'm bisexual" after that nick comes back but I keep talking to Finn, after we keep talking and laughing I noticed he keeps putting his hand on my leg and I just push him off but he keeps constantly doing it to the point I tell Nick "Nick this guy is starting to weird me out, he keeps touching my leg even after I move it away" Nick sits up and tells Finn "hey could you maybe not touch him after he told you to stop!" Finn doesn't really care

Nicks pov: After I come back I see Charlie and Finn talking but after a while I see that Finn keeps touching Charlie's leg and that made my blood boil I would tell him something but I don't want to cause a scene, Charlie whispers in my ear that Finn is making him uncomfortable so i do something about it "hey could you maybe not touch him after he told you to stop" I say sitting up but he payed me no mind, I thought after both me and Charlie told him to stop he'd stop but no now he's rubbing Charlie's knee "could to stop doing that" Charlie asks him, ok now I'm super pissed he keeps touching him and I can clearly see Charlie is uncomfortable "hey mate piss off!" I tell him "oi calm down" Finn spits back, Charlie gets up and sits on my lap so now there's a gap between us and Finn, It's now 8 pm and Charlie says he wants to go home "yes that Finn guy is starting to creep me out" I say as we get up "ok can you get our things while I tell everyone bye?" He ask "sure!" I say and kiss him on the lips Finn gives me a dirty look as I do so

Charlie's pov: "ok guys me and Nick are gonna start heading home now, this was really fun!" I tell everyone "ok thanks for coming!" Elle says and hugs me, i hug everyone else except Finn and Vicki bye and start walking to Nick, as I putting on my coat Finn walks up to me and says "hey Charlie could I get your number? Maybe we could hangout" "sure! It's 347-498-2098 (I'm from the states lol)" I say while putting on my coat "great! Thanks I'll text you when I get home" he says smiling, Me and Nick walk out and he stops me "Char that's not your number" "I know that, you know that, he doesn't know that....yet" I say giggling "Charlie spring you are truly evil" he says grinning "would you have rather me give him my actual number?" I say sarcastically "no! No no definitely not" he mutters "alright then, let's go home"

Authors note!! Finn really thought he was getting somewhere with Charlie lmao
Anyway how did you guys like this one shot?!

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