Winter break part 2

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Charlies pov- it's been a couple hours since I left Taos house and I've just been laying in bed, my phone keeps getting notifications but I just ignore them, I don't want to speak to anyone- not Tao, Elle, Issac, Aled and especially not Nick, I can't help but think that he actually cheated on me, I can't help but think that he just threw away a 3 year relationship just for some girl that he probably doesn't even know as well as he knows me, I feel my eyes start to water and I turn to my wall and just let everything out

Tori's pov- it's 1 in the morning and I hear Charlie crying threw the walls, I really can't believe Nick would do something like this, I can't believe he hurt Charlie, I get fed up and I grab my phone and start texting Nick

Tori- do you have any idea what you've done
Tori- why didn't you just break up with him instead of cheating
Nick- huh? Tori what's happened
Tori- don't give me the "whats happened" bullshit, you know exactly what you did
Nick- tori I'm being serious, what have I done, is Charlie ok?
Tori- No he's not ok!! He's just found out the love of his life is off snogging some girl and that you have a girlfriend
Nick- what!! I don't have a girlfriend I'm with Charlie, the photo and the kiss was taken without my consent right after she kissed me I pushed her away and told her I have a boyfriend and left, I would never hurt Charlie
Tori- are you being serious
Nick- yes! I would never want to cheat on Charlie, we were just talking and I looked away for a second and she kissed me I swear
Tori- ok I believe you
Nick- really?
Tori- yes Nick, I can see how much you love Charlie, you just showed me you'd never do something like that, I'll go get Charlie
Nick- ok

TW!!!!!!! SH

(Still Tori's pov) I get to Charlie's door but it's locked, I no longer hear crying so maybe he's sleeping "Charlie open up it's me, it's about nick" *silence* "Charlie!!" "Charlie open the door" im getting worried, I run downstairs and look for the keys to his room, after his last relapse dad got Charlie's door a key, I find the key and unlock his door I open it and immediately run over to Charlie, I see him sitting on the floor by his bed with his arms covered in blood, he has a razor blade in one hand and is just staring and his arms "Charlie!! What happened" I say kneeling down next to him "im sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he says still looking down, I take the blade out of his hands and help him up to the sink "it's ok, everything will be okay" I say cleaning my brothers arms, after I get him all bandaged up I sit him down and tell him about Nick "wait so your saying it was all a misunderstanding and he actually didn't kiss her" he say "yes Charles, he still loves you" I say pulling him into a hug "omg I've got to call him, I've been ignoring him since I found out, I have to talk to hi-" he says wiping tears away but he's interrupted by someone calling his's Nick in my doorway "Charlie!!" He says looking like he's about to cry "nick? what are you doing here" he says looking up "tori stopped answering and I was already on my way here, are you ok?" Nick says walking towards Charlie, I smile and tell Charlie to go to him, they walk out my room and Charlie's tell me thank you, I smile and him and pull Nick to the side "hurt him again like that and I'll make your life a living hell" I say to him and nicks eyes widen and he looks at Charlie and says "I love him too much to hurt him" and they walk out of my room

Charlie's pov- me and Nick get to my room and he tells me everything, we both apologize and of course he tells me to stop apologizing and we lay in my bed cuddling and watching Netflix "hey Char, what happened to your leg?" He says pointing down to my bandaged up calf "uhh I kinda slipped and scraped my leg while running home" I say looking at my leg and he lets out a little laugh "hey!! Don't laugh at me it's a battle scar" I say playfully hit his arm "battle? Battle from what?" he says while sitting up ".....the rain" I say while laughing, we spent the whole night together just laughing, talking, cuddling and watching tv, my parents were out of town and he didn't want to go home cause David was there, after a while I start getting tired I didn't even notice that i had fell asleep on Nicks shoulder

Nicks pov- I feel so bad that I put Charlie threw that, I should've told him but I had already assumed he knew but I should've told him, I'm just happy we are able to get past this and not let it ruin our relationship I don't know what I'd do without Charlie he's my world, I see that he's fallen asleep and I cover us up and turn off his laptop and hold him tight and whisper "i love you Charlie"

Ok but why did this take me like 30 minutes to write 🫣 but yessss nothing can break up Nick and Charlie, if they can make it how am i supposed to. Let's also praise our queen tori for being the bad bitch she is lol, love you lots<3

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