Your roommates weird part one

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In this au Nick has been at Uni for 5 months now and Charlie is just able to stay over now he has two weeks off from school

Nicks pov: Charlie is off from school in a few days so I'm going to ask him if he wants to stay with me at Uni, he's been over before but he only stays for a few hours so I'm hoping with him out of school and my having less classes we'll be able to hang out, I do have a roommate- Adam but I don't think he'll be a bother we're actually kinda friends I mean we don't hang out but since he's on the rugby team and we do share most of the same interest we do talk he even told me he was pansexual so that's cool- it would actually suck if I had a homophobic asshole for a roommate, I just got back from picking up a coffee so now I'm gonna ask Adam if he's alright with Charlie staying over for a few days, he's never actually met Charlie since the last 5 times he was over here Adam was with his friends, "hey Adam can I talk to you?" I approach him in the kitchen "yeah mate sure, what about?" He replies "oh nothing serious i was just asking if you were good with Charlie staying over, I know when he's over you normally go to your friends house but I just wanted to tell you that it's fine if you stay here" I say "oh yeah it's fine, I'm looking forward to meeting  him"  he mutters leaving the kitchen, great! Now time to ask Char *dials Charlie's number* he picks up after two rings "hey Nick" he says cheery "hi Char, I was wondering if you wanted to come stay over here for a few days since your off from school?" I ask "omg really!" he says "yes! I want to hang out with my amazing boyfriend" I say "ok  what day should I come?" he asks "uh how about the 17th" he say "sounds great! I'll talk to you later Oliver wants to play a game, bye Nick love you" he yells "bye! I love you too Char" *call ended*

*time skip the 17th*

Charlie's pov: Yes finally the day is here, the last few days of school felt like years but now that it's finally over I can pack my bag and go see Nick, I get up to my room and after I get my school clothes off and am into something a little I put on a playlist and start packing some clothes, headphones, changers, my laptop, my current read and of course three of Nicks jumpers, after I finish packing I get my train ticket and see my boarding time is 3:30 and it's now 1:26 so I close up the bag and go downstairs, I get downstairs and put my shoes on and head to the kitchen to grab some water and to tell my mum I'm leaving soon, "mum I'm leaving in a little bit" I tell her before she leaves "ok, please be safe and have a great time...not to much of a great time though, ok I'm off to the shops now see you when you get back" she says. After I walk to the living room and watch some Netflix- after a while the clock turns to 2:30 and I start getting ready to leave I grab my phone, another one of Nicks jumpers, my bag and I head out the door. *time skip* I'm now at the train station waiting for the train, couple minutes later it arrives right on time *next stop Leeds University* says the train station speaker, I get on the train and find a seat and look out the window while listening to (pick a song), I text Nick that I'm on the train to let him know I'm coming
(Nick and Charlie's texts)
Char💕: hey! I just got on the train, I'm on my way
Nick<3: ok! Can't wait, I already have Netflix open on my tv lol
Char💕: can we please watch the Flash you still have yet to see it?
Nick<3: yeah, I would love you see why your obsessed with it
Char💕: I'm not that obsessed with it
Nick<3: char you've rewatched it 8 times!
Char💕: Nuhuh only 7
Nick<3: 😂, ok I've gotta go Adam almost burned down the kitchen
Char💕: ok see you when I get there
Nick<3: bye, I love you
Char💕: I love you too, bye

*time skip* (I'm lazy)

Charlie's pov: I'm now 6 minutes away from Nick so I put my book away, I wait for the train to stop and then I get up- I text Nick that I'm waiting by the left exit on the bench, he texts me back {ok I'll be there in a few} and just like he said he was here in less then 10 minutes "hi" I say getting into the passenger seat "hi beautiful" he says and kisses me, boy am I blushing- we start driving and I put on the stereo and (pick another song) is playing which is a song on mine and Nicks shared playlist, after a few minutes of driving we get to his campus dorm and we start walking "I'm so happy your here!" nick says "me too, I've missed you" I say back, he stops walking and pulls me into a kiss "I'" he speaks with kisses in between each word, we enter their flat and I'm immediately met with his roommate Adam which startles me since he was literally right there when the door opened "oh..hey" I say " you must be Charlie I'm Adam, nice to meet you" he says looking shocked "yeah nice to meet you to" I reply back still weirded out- a while later me and Nick are in the living room watching The Flash finally!! "Ok now I see why you like it" nick says "see!" I say "it's cause you have a crush on Barry Allen" nick blurts out "what! I do not" I say clearly blushing "you do to, look your blushing" he laughs "ok ok I'll admit he's good looking" i put my hands up in defeat, a few episodes later Adam comes out of the bathroom and then goes in the kitchen with just a towel "Adam! What the hell!" Nick yells "what!" Adam yells back "you can't just walk around the house in a towel" Nick spits back "chill out mate, when your not here I walk around naked so it's not a big deal" Adam says walking back to his room, I look at Nick who just has a thousand facial expressions on at once "what the actual fuck" nick says, I don't say anything and just start laughing, it's now 10 and Nick says we should get ready for bed- we turn everything in the living room off and go to Nicks room "wait I forgot my phone, I'll be right back" I tell Nick and he says ok, I leave his room and go back to the living and see Adam "oh hey, I just forgot my phone" I say to him "nah it's fine, here" he says and hands me my phone, I go to grab it and he pulls it away and says "your cute you know" I just look at him and grab my phone and run back to Nicks room "char? You ok? Why'd you slam the door" Nick ask "Adam just called me cute" I tell him "what!" Nick says jumping out of bed, he goes out into the living room but Adams not there, he ended going out I guess so we just went to sleep so we can just deal with it tomorrow.

Okkk Adam what are you playing at mate?
I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot, I'm gonna start part two literally right now!!! Also what's your guys favorite song?<3

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