He jumped and does a spinning kick at the Deadmen that got knocked back. Then he unequipped the grasshopper legs after it was over

Damon: "Input the Vistamp on the screen and press on my sides to activate the finisher,"

Victor: "Okay, let's finish this,"

He stamps the Vistamp used onto the screen before pressing both Demons Driver sides once

Demons Finish!

The Spider Deadmen got up but now is trapped in a web by Victor

He uses each arm to shoot out webs on both sides of the wall in the room before launching himself like a slingshot and does a kick at the Deadmen

The Spider Deadmen got hit by his kick and exploded. Victor landed and look around and see that Rose is gone

Victor: "He got away..."

He then cancelled his transformation and both Gloria and Hop went up to him

Hop: "That was amazing!"

Gloria: "Didn't know Damon could do that!"

Victor: "Yeah..."

Victor collapsed in exhaustion made them shocked and carry him to the nearby pokemon centre to rest


At a pokemon center, the two barged into the Pokemon center whilst carrying Victor and asking where the nurses

The nurse Joy who worked at the pokemon center sees the exhausted Victor and went up to them

She told them that she can get him to rest at the Pokemon center's available resting beds and they proceeded with it

They got into the infirmary and puts his body on the bed to rest and nurse Joy told them that he needed a little rest before leaving them

While on Victor's mind, he's having a dream


In the dream, he's laying on the ground surrounded by grasses

He opened his eyes to see himself looking at the evening sky

He sits up to see himself in a field of grass with nothing around him

Victor: "This must be a dream,"

???: "It is not a dream,"

Victor looks around after hearing that

Victor: "Who's there?"

???: "It is not a dream,"

Victor: "Who are you!? If it isn't? Then what is?"

???: "It is not a dream... It's a message,"

Victor: "Message? What message are you going to show?"

Then, a hand appeared that's lending to him

He was surprised at first and turned to see who it was and was flabbergasted

He saw a person who looks exactly like him except for the presence of the red scarf

Victor: "Who in the world are you!?"

???: "I'm you, but from a different world,"

Victor: "Different world?"

Victor?: "I'm just here to visit one of my variations in this world,"

Victor: "What even...does that mean...?"

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