66. The Hustler

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"I don't like this mama." Aemond whispered.

"Me either." Draeya added. "Did you forget what they did to my Aemond?" Aemond smiled back at Draeya in a haze of happy. Her Aemond he could have melted into a puddle he was so happy.

"Show them how amazing you are, show them you are my brave boy, my strong boy, show them you are the bigger man." Davina requested. "Don't let your anger fester, don't be like me love. Let go of hate and show them how skilled you are in everything." Davina instructed. "Don't hold grudges, dont be like me Draeya. Don't let that pain consume you. Let love fill you instead."

Draeya looked to Aemond and he nodded.

"If he's okay with it then I suppose I can be too." Draeya agreed. And that was just what Aemond and Draeya did that morning in the training yard.

Jace spun free of Aemonds hand, knocking his arm away. Faced him with a challenge in his eyes and Aemond's gaze met it squarely.

Aemond swung, tempering his speed in case Jace needed time to react. Aemond had no idea how good or bad Jace was and killing him wasnt what anyone wanted in this moment at least. Luke swallowed the lump in his throat. He didnt want to have to fight next. 

Jace didn't need the extra time. He ducked easily, but still Aemond caught up and caught Jaces arm and jerked him off balance. In a moment he had Jace pinned, and panting.

"Are you done?" his voice was confident, in Jaces ear. "Do you yield, nephew?"

"No," Jace grunted, driving back he broke free, pulled Aemonds arm behind his back and knocked him to his knees. "Are you?" Jace couldnt see the smirk on Aemond's face as he looked to Draeya, she gave a single nod that said stop playing nice, kick his ass. 

Aemond turned, and caught Jace's leg and jerked, Jace's knee buckled and he dropped to the ground with a thud. Aemond pinned him to the ground, staring down at him. Aemond was faster, and he was stronger. Jace stared up at him hesitantly but Aemond got up.

 He was strong and powerful, he wasnt vicious he wasnt cruel. He fought valiantly. Draeya loved him all the more for it.

"What did you say to him?" Tommen whispered.

"I thought he was going to explode." Criston added.

"Well he didnt have you in his ear telling him to be a cunt, aint that right Criston...." Davina added lightly.

"I do regret that." Criston admitted and it was only a partial lie.

"I am grateful for you both, teaching and training. My Aemond is a good boy, he doesnt have my temper... Draeya has my temper but control." Davina remarked.

"Good job today." Aemond said holding out his hand to Jace.  Aemond had won, Davina knew he would, Jace accepted his hand and Aemond pulled him back to his feet.

"Aemond... for what its worth..."Jace began. "I'm still really sorry, about that night."

"Thank you."

"Alright my turn to kick someones ass!" Valyria declared. Haven giggled jumping up and down. 

"You want to kick some ass too?" Davina pondered. Haven held to Davina's hand tightly before kicking out a leg. "That was good, we might need to debate your future as a warrior." 

"No bloodshed, no maesters needed." Alicent remarked impressed as Haenry and Draeya dueled. Valyria circled against Daeron and Rhaegar came up offering Luke some help. 

"Such little faith in them." Davina tsked. 

"Alright Dav, you and me." Tommen remarked spinning his blade. 

"I have a better idea." Davina corrected. 


"Double." Davina declared pushing her coin forward. Criston looked to Tommen and a smug smile crossed his face.

"I will match." Tommen agreed sliding his coin forward. "Your grace?"

"I have a bad hand." Alicent countered.

"Oh I know." Davina agreed. Alicent pulled her cards to her chest.  "YOu have a bad poker face, gorgeous." Davina added. 

"Is this a good hand?" Vaera questioned shifting in Aegon's lap. Aegon ran his thumb over her cards.

"Yeah," He agreed kissing her temple.

"Then I raise... thats a thing right?" Vaera questioned, she knew how to play but she liked that Aegon was helping her, liked that he was holding onto her. 

"I think your daughter is hustling us and she really does know how to play." Tommen remarked. 

"Thats entirely true." Davina agreed. Helaena raised silently and Davina rose a curious brow.

"Worried about some competition Dav?" Tommen mused.

"Helaena is very quiet." Davina agreed. "Too quiet." Helaena looked up from her cards and smiled back at Davina. "You missy." 

The moon was high in the sky, already on its way back down as the game raged on. Davina told Vaera it was past her bed time. Alicent was out, peering over Davina's shoulder asking is that good? What's that? Why are there so many things that can be good? This game doesnt make sense. Tommen wasnt willing to lose but he had a crap hand. He moved to top them all off on their cups. Davina raised again and Tommen folded, Davina stared back at Helaena.

"All in." Helaena remarked.

"Confident." Davina remarked. Helaena smiled softly back at her. "Alright. All in."

"Looks like you met your match Davina." Tommen declared as Helaena put her cards down.  Davina locked eyes with Helaena before a smile crossed her face as she leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Damn girl." Davina declared. 

"SHe certainly didnt get card skills from me." Alicent remarked. 

"Mama Dav had these cards made for me." Helaena remarked pointing at the insects on the cards, the flowers. "I didnt care for poker before. But now." Helaena shrugged. 

"Okay, incorporate wildlife into everything from now on." Davina declared. "Helaena is our hustler." 

"Davina!" Alicent declared. 

"No one suspects her, this is how she rakes in the money pot." Davina countered. 

"I am the hustler." Helaena repeated with a smile. "I dont care for coin, can I have another book on the flowers of the north?" Helaena requested. 

"I can do that." Alicent agreed. 

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