65. Daemon was a Fluke

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Drama Queen // Otto Hightower out now!

Breaking fast in the morning was awkward to say the least the children are scattered in at different times picking up their food.

Rhaegar and Valyria were apparently scientists today for the three juices that were freshly squeezed and prepared and pictures along the table were being mixed together and their goblets trying to create the perfect combination.

Haezel stuck close to Daeron. Smiling as they spoke. Daeron held to her hand under the table.

Aemond Was ready to get to the Courtyard he wanted to train to fight to show he had learned so much. But he would never be anyone's victim ever again.

"Eat something honey." Davina requested "you don't wanna get lightheaded out there.'' she reminded him and she took a bite of her toast licking the jam from her lips  aemond nodded taking a bit of his sausage link.

Daerya and Haenry sat protectively beside Aemond. They knew he didnt need the protection, Aemond liked that they cared enough to protect him. Keep him safe. Draeya stared back at Luke and Jace daring them to mess up. 

Vaera was playing Haven helped her eat some fruits. Bringing to her mouth between bites of her own food. Vaera was going to be Davina's little mother hen one day. She hoped in the distant future but that was hard to know what the way Aegon looked at her most days.

"So kind of you to finally roll out of bed." Davina marked as the door open and Aegon sauntered in

"Had to get my beauty sleep I don't just wake up looking at this handsome." Aegon informed her and vaera smiled back at him

"Yes you do." Vaera corrected he waggled his eyebrows better as he sat beside her. 

Jace and Luke were quiet which was to be expected after everything went down but still it was hard to see them like this. They were usually very bubbly boys now nervous in a place they used to call home.

"The children have their lessons this morning." Alicent remarked and she heard them all groan out

"Jace. Luke you can join them. We can make it a competition." Davina added

"Can we do it after we train?" aemond requested.

"Feeling a bit antsy are we?" Davina mused knowingly

"A bit." he agreed

"I think we can switch around the schedule for today. Dont you Ali?" Davina pondered.

"I suppose so," she agreed smiling back at Davina. Haven lifted her arm up as though her arm was a sword and swished it through the air

"Are you going to be a warrior like your big sister? Like mama?'' Davina question smiling back at her.

"Whoosh!" Haven declared Moving her arm again and spilling food across the table as their hand it down. Her face pinched as her hand hit the glass she had touched. Her eyes went wide her lip quivering as she brought her hand to her heart as though she could keep the pain away. Davina started to get up, she hated seeing her children hurt. 

"Maybe not a warrior." Haenry offered. "Maybe a dancer.'' haven stared back at him. "You dance? You dance like this!" he moved his arms up and down close to his chest careful not to hit anything and she mimicked him and a smile covered her face. "There she is she's gonna be a little dancer like Vaera and Haezel." Davina settled back in her seat as Haven laughed out. 

"When she gets older she can join us in our shows!" Haezel agreed excitedly. "Don't you think V?" Haven kept dancing in her seat as Vaera picked her up.

"Definitely a future actress." vaera agreed.

"So how's life on dragon stones all the traitors?" Draeya asked nonchalantly as her gaze shifted to Luke he swallowed a lump in his throat. Haezel thought that Davina would correct Draeya after her talks about forgiveness and all that but Davina took a long sip of her drink remaining quiet.

"I don't like Daemon. He's mean and bossy and doesn't care about anyone but himself." Jace remarked. Davina choked out a laugh as she put down her glass. Rhaegar pat her back.

"Thank you honey." Davina remarked wiping at her lips "just caught me off guard is all."

"And your mother?" Alicent asked cautiously

"They wanna have a baby so we don't really see much of them and when we do they are always in a bad mood." Luke remarked honestly. "Mother seems different they're always yelling at each other and when they're not yelling at each other they are yelling at us... I honestly don't know why they got married they don't seem to like each other." Luke went on and Davinas hand tap the table trying not to declare I told you so he's awful he will give you his cock at his pleasure and nothing else.

"Daemon always thought he was the sun and everything was revolving around him." Davina remarked calmly and she tried to hide her smile. She felt bad about it... no she didn't but she wanted to pretend she felt bad that rhaenyra was unhappy. Rhaenyra got everything she thought she wanted and it was a fluke. The fantasy was better than the reality of Daemon which if Rhaenyra would have just listened to Davina in the first place and not pretended to care she would've seen all and Rhaenyra would've known.

It felt like gravity. Daemon had pulled Davina in immediately And everyone had watched her drift away. Got lost in someone's outer space. Davina never fell carefully and Daemon never made any apologies for breaking her heart.

Davina gave her fragile heart away. Daemon left it there in outer space. And Davina knew from experience that it felt like the air was getting thin.

She wouldnt feel bad for the monsters. After all the hell they put her through she hoped Rhaenyra got to see first hand got to feel the sting of his indifference about her. Daemon would use her just like he used everyone else.

My Tears Ricochet // Alicent HightowerWhere stories live. Discover now