61. Can You Marry A Tower?

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"So why are you in green?" Haezel questioned as Davina got Haven. Wide eyed and up from her nap as smiled back at everyone, waving happily from Davina's arm.  Criston held the door open for her as she headed back in. 

"Because Davina commanded it." Tommen offered.

"And Criston knows when Davina makes a command..." Davina glanced to the door. 

"You best sprint." Criston murmured as she closed the door. 

"Damn right." Davina agreed. "Haven, meet Tommen... mama's friend." Haven smiled back at him. 

"She's adorable Dav." Tommen remarked as Haven grabbed his finger, "she has the biggest of smiles... just like you." 

"She's more Harwin than I." Davina countered kissing Haven's cheek. Alicent thought she might just want Tommen to go. It was clear Davina liked him. Loved him maybe. It was clear davina was fond of men, she had children, many children with a man she loved, how could Alicent compete? She wanted Tommen to go. 


"I want him to go." Daemon had told Viserys.


"Tommen. That prince." Daemon sneered rooting his hands on his hips.

"Dav seems to like him." Viserys countered.

"Thats the problem!" Daemon shouted back at him. "Are you stupid!"

"Daemon." Viserys tsked.

"Are you?" Daemon continued. "Look, look, just look!" Daemon demanded grabbing Viserys by the hair and moving his head towards them.

"Daemon!" Viserys declared swatting his hand away. "What's gotten into you?"

"He's... are you not looking?" Daemon demanded. "LOOK!"

"I am looking, stop pulling my hair." Viserys demanded.

"She looks..." Daemon's brow furrowed as he looked over at them.

What a young Daemon saw was davina falling in love with someone that wasnt him. Touching his shirt and whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

What Viserys saw was davina telling Tommen that yellow was not his color. Pulling at the fabric and telling him that he was very lost and it was a good thing that Davina was so stylish that she could probably help him with his unfortunate clothing.

"I don't think she loves Tommen." Viserys countered.

"LOOK!" Daemon shouted before slumping into the couch.

"I am. I think if you go up to them-" Viserys began.

"And look like a fool?" Daemon spat, staring up at Viserys. "You know nothing about women."

"Oh and you do?" Viserys countered.

"I'm getting Dav back." Daemon declared jumping up and running over to them.

"You are really bossy." Tommen remarked.

"I am the boss." Davina countered. "Bosses have to be bossy so boys listen."

"That's actually smart." Tommen remarked.

"I'm really smart." Davina agreed. "Mama tells me all the time."

"DAVINA!" Daemon declared colliding with her.

"What?" Davina asked pushing him off of her. "Don't step on my shoes." Davina told him sticking her foot out. "See, pretty." Davina told Tommen.

"Very." Tommen agreed and she nudged her foot against his shoe.

"Not pretty." Davina told him.

"Comfy though." Tommen told Davina. Daemon still wasnt hearing them, his brain was spiraling out of control. Davina was playing footsie with this Prince of the door knobs.

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