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It's finally exams week, with Lovi appearing way more nervous than Stephen himself. "Relax, Vi; we got this." As if the tutor and its student have switched places, Stephen reassures her, holding his hand out for their secret handshake. "Okay, I trust you," to which the boy smiles, smoothly changing their hands' position, taking hers into his, and placing a kiss atop—she quickly looks away from this, embarrassed.

"I have something for you if you pass." "OH, IT'S ON."



♫ BUBBLY by Ethan Low - playing

She been sippin' bubbly 

Mixed it up with vodka

All her friends the same,

But who am I to judge her? 

Rhythm and blues echo inside the van as I bop my head to the chill beats, enjoying every bit of it.

The door slides open, bright sunlight striking me straight into my eyes as I wince in pain. "BROO," I whine, making the sleeping figure leaning onto me shift in her sleep. "ay, sorry~" Kenneth mutters under his breath, closing the door carefully.

Jewel enters soon after, but in the front seat. "YO! GOOD SHIT, GUYS." he whisper-shouts, making sure not to wake the sleeping members. "I mean, today was great, but let's not get overconfident; we still have the playoffs." he suddenly says, contradicting his burst of excitement and acting the part of the squad leader.

"I'll be back before the playoffs." I tell him, looking out the window as our driver starts the caravan. "Don't worry about it too much; we can always practice and scrimmage without you being physically here anyways." Kenneth reassures me from the very back seat, surrounded by Jewel's snoring cousins.

I let out a chuckle at the sight, catching a glimpse of his varsity jacket; DE, it read right at the chest area with his player name on a brooch just right above. "Lynx," I call out as the van comes to a stop, "Yes, Seis?" he says with a tiny smile, calling me by my player name as well. "We win these." I cheekily say, throwing a thumbs up. He laughs in return, standing up to take my spot and letting Mira lean on him instead.

I catch one last look at them—my family—before making my way towards the airport.

Opening my phone for my flight details, I see the date. December 18, 2026

It's been exactly 6 years since that very day. . .


The hectic week had finally gone by, leaving today as the day to see our exam results just before the Christmas break.

As expected, I got decent scores, even acing all my math-related subjects.

Now that leaves me one concern: his scores. . .

I make my way outside the classroom, immediately getting bombarded by flying test papers as well as some on the ground. I sigh, realizing I won't be able to use my skates because of this.

Distressed, overjoyed, panicked, deadpanned—all these different emotions are plastered on my schoolmates' faces, though they unite in trashing the school with their papers.

I walk through the chaos as I look for a familiar office, swatting papers that were flying my way.


Someone zooms a test paper right into my face, making me frown. "Excuse me?" Irritation was evident in my voice, yet the person only wiggled the paper in return, making it rustle.

I squinted my eyes, ready to murder whoever it was, till I ran my eyes through the paper.

Wardell Stephen Curry II, Section I

82/100, 80/100, 86/100—

He doesn't stop flipping through his papers, showing me every single one.

"Last one," '80/100' the mark on the paper read, making me crack a smile. "You're that happy?" he finally moves the papers out my face, greeting me with a smirk. "ye," I admit, washing the smirk off his face and replacing it with a taken aback look as I smile even wider, showing my gummy smile.

As if that wasn't enough, I proceed to link arms with him, catching him off-guard. "Good job," I commend, looking him in the eyes and putting my headphones on him.

"right," was all he could say, rubbing his nape and whipping his head away.


"Here's the 'something' I told you about."



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