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I close my eyes, pressing the shower button as the cold water hits my skin.

"Who you inviting for the scrims bro? Anj or Maxine?" I hear a junior joke around, interrupting my solitude. "Don't know, how 'bout you though? Oh wait, I forgot it'd be pretty boring watching the bench." I swear to God I almost drowned from my own snort; that's my boy Klay.

"That was out of line," I butt in, exiting the showers and slapping a towel on my head. "You know I don't take any shit." he says before walking towards a locker and leaning against it with his arms crossed. "you?" "me?" "Yeah, you inviting your girl to the game?" "Which one?" I boast, smirking his way while I still dry myself.

"Stop tryna act like a playboy when you've only ever been with one girl lately." his face rests, looking so over it. "Completely smitten, might I add." I snap my head towards the familiar voice, seeing Dray enter the room.

"She's only my study buddy. . ." I look around defenselessly as they give me that 'bffr' look. "Right, so are you inviting your buddy to watch scrims?" Klay practically rolled his eyes, but I ignored it, putting on a shirt. "Fine, I'll try," I give up, gathering my things and leaving the locker room.

Her? Invite her to watch me play ball? I'd overheat and die.

Let's say she accepts, but what then? Everyone invited there would be significant others or really close friends—we're neither, I'd just look like a weirdo for even asking.

. . .Wait, that's right, I don't have to worry about any of that because—

"—She won't even accept in the first place. . ." I think hard, rubbing my chin.

"Technically, I just have to ask—" "Ask what?" Speak of the devil; I whip my head around, only to see a huge rolled-up tarpaulin blocking her face. 'pf' I let out, causing her to tilt her head to the side, entering my vision.

"You lookin' mad goofy carrying that huge thing around." I say, suppressing my laugh as I snatch the tarpaulin from her grasp. Oh, it's not that big, I thought, spinning it around like a polearm.

"OI, BE CAREFUL WITH THAT THING," she steps on my foot with her skates on, making me grunt and quit my actions. "What's this anyway?" I finally ask, trailing behind her on the pathways of the university.

"It's extracurricular, banner-making." she responds straight to the point, skating and barely leaving me behind. "Oh, so you're in that editing stuff club. . ." I say, jogging to catch up a bit. "And you're in that shoot-balling stuff club." she mocks, side-eyeing me.

"Speaking of basketball, I heard you guys are going to play the University of the West this week." "right," was all I could say, my eyes glued to the ground.

The stone path suddenly changes as we make a turn, a bottle of soy milk greets my vision not long after. "Sorry, you seemed uncomfy with the topic I brought up, so have this." I smile a little, grabbing the drink from her and chugging it like an animal.

"Damn, calm down." her face scrunching up at the sight, grabbing the now empty bottle from me and trashing it in a can. "I don't even like soy milk." I blurted out, to which she proceeded to overreact, her jaw even dropping. "WHAT?" she exclaims as if she just got betrayed, making me flinch a little before immediately shushing her up with my index finger.

". . .Wh—what are you being so loud for?" I innocently wondered, earning a scoff from her. "You mean to say all this time I've treated you and vice versa with me drinking choco milk and you drinking soy milk—YOU DIDN'T EVEN LIKE THE DRINK?" she basically rapped her heart out, her face showing clear signs of anger.

"Well, yes, but it's just a drink, so I. . .just drink it?" My eyes blink rapidly at the pure confusion of her lashing out. "Wow, I feel so betrayed." she says, calming down a bit as she huffs and puffs.

"why?" I ask, trying to make eye contact. Her eyes pierced mine as I was ready to hear her reason for such frustration. "Because we're friends, and all this time I thought I knew one thing you liked from our time together—turns out I don't."

We are? 

I make sure not to say that out loud and piss her off even more than she already is.

Before I knew it, a grin had spread itself across my face, weirding her out.

"Then, wanna come watch me play this week?"

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