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She didn't know what got into her, insisting on holding onto him like that; her heart beating abnormally fast for him; her chest thumping crazily loud as soon as she saw hues of pink from just behind his ears.

She couldn't exactly grasp what it was about, but one thing's for sure—

he was feeling the same. . .

Hands holding one another, the taken-aback boy finally turns to face her. They greet each other with faces almost as red as roses, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before she immediately averts her gaze onto his chest.

Disbelief washes over him as he blinks multiple times, his face heating up even more as the realization hits—

she was feeling the same. . .


"Ms. Lee, Mr. Curry? Class is about to start—let's hurry and enter, alright?" the homeroom teacher says with a smile, walking ahead to enter the door of their classroom.



"That's it for this lecture, please do keep in mind to bring the designated materials for your lab activity. You may now take your break." Not even a second later was the room filled with the sound of chairs against the floor, along with footsteps, and the usual after-class chatter. 

Heartbeat On Me by Kiana V - playing

"LOVII" a melodious tone sings out as I was absentmindedly putting my books away. "Pionagh—" I turn to her as I remove my headphones, only to be suffocated by a big hug. "Cafnt't brfeath," my voice muffled as she finally lets go. "Wahh--I missed you!" she cries out as I dust and scratch my mouth from just having a mouthful of her fuzzy cardigan. "You missed me from what? The weekends?" I give her a puzzled look, only to receive several, eager nods.

I sigh, putting all of my things away as I get up to pat her on the head. "There, there, let's go get lunch together." I said, walking ahead with a small smile. "Let's!"


"Are ya'll done yet?" said a classmate on cleaning duty, about to erase the writings on the board. "yeah," "Stop lying, Steph; we all know you ain't write shit." I head his peer, Draymond Green, say just as I was about to leave.

"Ugh, I'm tired of waiting." the same classmate whined, picking his bag up to leave the room. Irresponsible fuck I thought to myself, walking upfront to wait and erase it myself for when everyone's done.

I sat on the teacher's desk, fiddling with the eraser. "Bored?" fivehead asks, pulling a chair and sitting right in front of me. "Put that back; the cleaners just cleaned things up." I said before standing up from my seat, snatching the chair from his ass, and putting it back in its spot. "rude," he says, stealing my seat at the teacher's desk in retaliation.

I click my tongue, fighting the strong urge to flick his wideass forehead. "I was there first." "You can still sit," he says, patting his lap, to which I visibly cringe. "move," I commanded, marching my way to him as I shoved his sides with all my strength, sharing the seat with him.

"Ah, so you prefer it like this." "shut it," I said, sharply side-eyeing him in the process. The corner of his lips rose into a small smile in contrast to his attitude. Seriously, how weird. . .

I fish my phone in my hoodie's pocket, feeling it vibrate.

Notification from Jewel:


I immediately opened my game in response, leaning forward onto the desk and turning my phone on landscape. "Oooo, video games~" he peered, peeking into my screen. "What's the gist of it?" he asks curiously as I slide my headphones on. "Sorry, I need to hear the game." I say with a sarcastic smile, turning back to my phone right after as he followed suit.

We stayed like that for a while, with me playing the game silently and him watching closely. Constantly, he would make noises here and there because of the gameplay, sometimes even cheering me on.

"Oh damn, you got him,"



Victory the long-awaited text finally pops up on the screen. "HOLY SHIT, YOU WON!" he pointed out excitedly, his smile widely stretched out, his gap showing.

"Pfffff~" I stifled a laugh—this time without any ill intentions or mockery—but just as I was removing my headphones, his smile disappeared.

I raise my brows in sudden confusion, muttering a small "what?"

"you," he spat out, pointing at me.

"Did you just smile?"

Under | stephen curryWhere stories live. Discover now