Now that break is over, she'll have to put extra effort into studying for her O.W.L. exams. She had considered getting a tutor, but she only has the money that Euphemia mails her monthly, and her mother still refuses to contribute. The Potters aren't exactly swimming in money though, so it's never enough for her to have much left over for herself. She only spends it on necessary things, such as robes or quills.

Laura sighs. She should've gotten new robes when they had stopped at Gladrags. Hers were becoming far too small on her, and she hasn't bought new ones since last semester.

"Oh, bleedin' finally."

The train lurches and begins to move, and the cheers of the other students ring throughout the aisles while Sirius lets out a loud sound that Laura can't decipher as being pain from James jumping upwards and elbowing him or excitement since the train is finally headed to Hogwarts.

She sighs. She doesn't care, she's just happy to finally be on her way home.

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SETTLING BACK INTO HER DORMITORY is easy enough, but it's the task of readjusting to her classes that makes Laura long for the ability to cast the Killing Curse on herself and still avoid the repercussions of death.

Presently, Laura's toes dig into the cool dampened dirt edging the waterline of the Black Lake as she avoids getting up to attend Potions. She's sure she should have a skin malady by now from how often the sun parades itself upon her flushed pale skin, but she can't find it in herself to care. Warmth settles in her chest as she leans back until her head hits soft grass, her eyes closing ever-so-slightly.

Laura's feels as though her longing to go back home is barely even present anymore. Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the warm feel of the Potters' cottage over the summer are all she knows now, and the house next to the beach is a cold, distant memory. 

Her father still wrote her letters, even if they weren't as frequent anymore. Laura could sense that he was hurt that she'd left, but to tell him that it was her mother who sent her away would have absolutely broken him. She would much rather face the brunt of what he perceived as her leaving him because he'd grown ill than have him find out the love of his life had lied and stolen his daughter away.

Even if it means she hasn't hugged him in over three years.

Laura's fuzzy tank top wraps deliciously around her skin as she stretches out against the cool grass and sighs. Her free period always feels like it ends far too quickly, and she would much rather skip Potions than leave the spot she's comfortably situated herself in. She would probably be late if she stayed much longer.

The thought begins to bury itself in her stomach as time ticks on.

Eventually, Laura stands up, knowing full well her reluctance is the exact reason she's failing four of her classes. She slips her robes back on over her clothes and tucks her feet back into her flats before she begins to walk towards the castle. 

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