The Last Time

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Sadie woke up to the sound of knocking on her door

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Sadie woke up to the sound of knocking on her door. She groaned as she grabbed her phone to check the front door camera. 

She bolted up when she saw who was at her front door. The man who broke her heart.

Sadie chewed on her bottom lip debating if she should open the door. They hadn't talked since filming had wrapped six months ago.

Their last conversation was on constant replay  in her mind.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Sadie asked pacing back and forth in the hotel room.

Sebastian sighed, "We weren't officially together."

Sadie stopped her pacing turning to glare at Sebastian. "We weren't officially together or you and HER weren't officially together?" She spit out in anger.

She rubbed her hands down her face. Frustrated and saddened by the turn of events that transpired.

Sebastian slowly stood off the couch making his way towards Sadie. She couldn't look at him. The shame and guilt she felt. She promised to never be the other woman. Not after she was the one being cheated on. But here she was.

The mistress.

Sebastian placed his hands on her shoulder bending his head slightly to look Sadie in the eye.

"I never meant to hurt you, Sadie."

Sadie brushed his hands off her as anger seeped through her words, "Well, you did!"

Sebastian sighed, "Lets just talk about this, please."

A hollow laugh escaped her lips before she could stop it. "What's there to talk about? Your girlfriend is pregnant." With that the tears started falling.

Sadie turned away from Sebastian not wanting him to see her crumble.

"Just leave Sebastian."

"Sadie.." his voice broke, "I do love you."

She sighed as she turned to face him, the tears still falling, "I wish I believed you."

Knowing he wouldn't be the one to leave she walked towards the door stopping just before crossing the threshold. She wanted to turn back to look at him but she couldn't. Because she knew she would run into his arms and beg him to choose her. Deep down she knew he was doing the right thing. His duty was to his unborn child. So instead of looking back she continued to walk away.

End flash back

Why was he here? And more importantly why was he here at 2am?

Sighing, she threw her covers off and padded downstairs. She hesitated before she reached the door.

"Come on, Sadie. Open up. Please."

Sebastian sounded desperate and because she was a glutton for punishment she opened the door.

"What are you doing here, Seb?"

He couldn't resist looking up and down at her. She wore silk sleep shorts and a tank top that showed her freckles on her shoulders. The shoulders he used to kiss every chance he could.

Surprising them both Sebastian sunk down on his knees as his eyes pleaded with hers.

"I fucked up not chasing you after you walked away. You're constantly on my mind. Every night I go to bed wishing I was holding you in my arms."

His eyes welled with tears, "I'm so sorry for hurting you. For not choosing you. I'm sorry I didn't show up sooner. After everything that happened I thought you would never want to see me again."

Sadie sighed, "What are you talking about Sebastian? What happened?"

His tears finally fell, "The baby isn't mine. She lied to me. She knew from the beginning the baby wasn't mine but when she found out about you and I she got mad. She knew telling me the baby was mine would force me to choose between you and the baby."

He stood up and took a step closer to Sadie as she stared wide eyes at him.

"I regret letting you walk away. I regret the hurt I caused you. But more importantly, I regret not choosing you. When you've always been my first choice."

A sobbed escaped Sadie as she smacked a hand to her mouth. Tears pooled in her eyes as she shook her head.

"It's too late, Sebastian." She whispered as she removed her hand from her mouth ready to close the door.

He reached forward and took her face in both his palms, his thumbs wiping away the falling tear.

"Please, Sadie." His voice rasped, "baby, please."

Sadie closed her eyes as she let the warmth of his hands sooth her for a moment before pulling them away.

"I'm sorry but I can't."

"Sadie, I love you."

She shook her head, "I want to believe you..."

"I promise you, Sadie. This is the last time. I'll never hurt you again. You're my everything."

Sadie's mind and heart were now at battle. She never stopped loving him but her mind wouldn't let her forget the hurt.

But just looking in his eyes she could see the love he had for her.

He was the one.

The memories they shared together hit her like a freight train. Was she a fool for considering giving him another chance? Maybe. But they say love is a fools game.

She opened the door wider to let him in.

Sebastian sighed in relief but before he could fully cross the doorway she stopped him.

"This is the last time I'm giving you a chance."

He smiled down at her as his nose brushed with her, "this is last time I hurt you."

"I love you, Sadie."

He didn't give her a chance to respond as he crashed his lips to hers. He wrapped his arms around her body and slammed the door shut with his foot.

Sebastian lifted her up and her arms and legs wrapped around him as he carried her back to bed.

This is where she belonged, in his arms. This was his happy place.

They had a lot to work through but he had no doubt in his mind that they couldn't work through them.

For now, he'd finally get to fall asleep with the love of his life wrapped around him.

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