Let's Do Lunch, Girls!

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Monday morning.

Another Monday morning.

At the bus stop outside Bae's apartment, the summertime sun shone up above in a placid sea of clouds and blue skies up above. Bae heard the seagulls sing their song mid-flight. She watched the Dartmouth side of the Halifax Harbor come to life: kids walking to school, neighbors greeting each other, passers-by reading the Chronicle Herald newspaper - or the app on their smartphones. Excited kids, well-rested students and happy couples lined up at the bus stop along with Baelz Hakos.

A frown formed on Bae's lips.

In that sea of happiness and summertime warmth, the dark rings under Bae's eyes, the sickly paleness of her skin and the poorly-pressed suit, shirt and skirt she wore stuck up like a sore thumb. It was almost as if a lone raincloud from the nor'easter storm from Friday stuck around and hung squarely over her head, following her wherever Bae went.

Just for her, a hangover that wouldn't go away.

When Bae glazed at those happy couples with arms interlocked, loving gazes into each other's eyes and chatting about everything under the sun, Bae imagined herself and Irys having those same idle chats, standing where they stand. With every happy word and mirthful chuckle, the rain cloud over Bae's head darkened.

' Your summers aren't gonna last forever. ' Bae thought, lowering her head and looking away from the sunny scenes around her, ' Enjoy it while it lasts. '

So, when the bus arrived, Bae rushed ahead of the placid, unhurried crowds and claimed the backmost seat to stew in her deafening silence.

' I don't want to go to work. ' Bae mumbled beneath her breath. She said that, but she clutched her briefcase in her hands and stayed absolutely motionless.

The doors of the bus closed with a hydraulic hiss and off she went on her morning commute. The bus took her away, but she knew she was still in the same place, stewing in the deafening silence of her mind and the aching emptiness of her heart.

Even half a world away and thirteen months later, nothing had truly changed for Bae.


Bae dragged her feet all the way to work, arriving just minutes before Kaela flagged her as late. The dutiful blond office manager tore her eyes away from the computer monitor on her desk and the Minecraft-tabbed smartphone on her lap to greet the rat-girl like she always did.

"Oh, Baelz. Selamat pag- " Kaela stopped halfway through. She leaned over her desk, gave Bae another once-over and asked with a raised brow, "You alright? Do you need to... get some help?"

Bae's eyes evaded Kaela's friendly, albeit concerned gaze.

' I can't exactly tell her I've been preparing - practicing all weekend for how I'd come to face Irys again at work. ' Bae thought, ' At least, that's what I thought I was doing... staying in my flat the whole time.'

The rat-girl cleared her throat and tried to joke, "Nah. Uh... it's just Monday. Aha... ahahaha~"

A silent pause ensued. Kaela didn't react with her signature silent laugh. Instead, her bright red eyes sharpened.

"Is that so...?" Kaela hummed, but she held her tongue and ducked out with a polite nod, "Don't work too hard, alright?"

' Work too hard? I don't think I'll be getting any work done at all! ' Bae muttered to herself. She forced herself to smile again and carried on to her cubicle.

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