Home Court

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Bae's first day of work didn't quite fly as quickly as the seagulls soaring over Halifax Harbor. Rather, it moved at the slow and steady pace of the Halifax-Dartmouth ferry plying the placid, sun-kissed waters.

For a lively and eccentric company with a lively and eccentric CEO, Bae thought, Bread Dog Insurance Limited still had the trappings of a typical corporate office.

After the thunderous, literally cannon-like welcome, the rat-girl and her estranged Nephilim colleague went through a more traditional gauntlet of corporate onboarding. There was a by-the-numbers orientation presentation led by Mumei and Fauna, followed by a quick spiel about the 'house rules' of the office from Kaela. Paperwork trickled in for Irys and Bae to read and sign too while Ina quietly served refreshments for them all.

Most of their onboarding that day, however, came from the extensive lecture series about insurance and insurance sales from Sana and Gura. The two colorful comedians did their best to spice up the lecture, but it was a cut and dry affair all in all.

Then, Sana and Gura started bringing out folders of papers - ones as thick as hardbound textbooks.

Chills ran up Bae's spine.

No number of Nova Scotia flags, little red maple leaves or images of the bread dog mascot could dull the impact of the memory. They brought her back to the days of getting course material for her classes at university in Australia. She remembered the roller coaster of emotions from the sleepless nights, the marathon study sessions.

Oh man... it's all coming back to me.

Bae's eyes wandered over to the other student seated beside her. She watched Irys calmly read through the material, tucking her locks of long, maroon hair behind her sharp elf-like ears with a mindful, gentle motion.

The rat-girl blushed, remembering the other reason for her sleepless nights in university.

Damn it. She's still pretty.

Irys noticed Bae sheepishly stealing glances at her. The Nephilim got self-conscious and scooted away from the rat-girl.

Suddenly, a teacher's pointer stick whacked Bae's table.

"Whoa!" Bae nearly jumped out from her seat.

Bae then saw Gura, now wearing reading glasses, wielding the teacher's stick with a frown painted on her lips.

"Oy, oy, oy, stinky. I know this is your first day, but you gotta focus." Gura warned with surprising sternness, waving her stick around in an attempt to make herself seem taller, "How are you gonna pass the Insurance Licensing Exam if you're gonna space off!"

"I'm sorry..." Bae apologized meekly. Then, her eyes shot wide open ,"Licensing Exam!?"

Gura's expression soured even more, "You really weren't listening, huh?"

"It's alright, Gura." Sana intervened with a warm smile, "I remember you brushing off the exam yourself on the first day here. Even if it was on the employee contract."

"Urk~!" The shark-girl gasped and recoiled like a fish out of water.

Sana chuckled.

"Don't worry, I did too!" Sana reassured Gura as well as her now frightened new-hire rat-girl. The CEO cleared her throat and explained calmly, "Right now, you and Miss Irys aren't licensed to sell insurance on your own in Canada. As junior execs, you'll be helping Gura on her sales calls while you study for the licensing exam." Sana's smile grew warmer, "Learn the ropes with Gura, go through the course material and pass the exam in August. That'll be your duties for the next three months!"

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