Essyu's hand closed around his wrist once more, tugging slightly and leading him back towards the bed. Naruto followed obediently, going more slowly this time so he didn't trip on the futon. He climbed onto it when they reached it and sat down, getting comfortable, and holding his hands out again.

The kidnapper cuffed his wrists, then his ankles, and stood, the sound of the knife closing meeting Naruto's ears. Considering Essyu had used both hands to cuff him, he'd either had it between his teeth, or he hadn't even bothered holding it. Naruto could understand. Considering he hadn't caused any problems, why worry, right?

"Let me know when you want to shower. Prisoner or not, Ayuu and I don't want you to have poor personal hygiene."

Naruto's chest constricted slightly at the thought of being naked in front of them. "Right," he whispered.

"We'll probably take your mask off for that."

Well, at least there was an upside. Still, the blond doubted they'd provide him with enough towels to shower the way he usually did.

"We've also bought you some new boxers. I insisted on some sweats and a few shirts, since I'm sure sleeping in your uniform isn't all that comfortable."

"Thanks," Naruto said honestly. "I really appreciate that. Sweats would be great."

"I'll bring them down later, you can put them on after your shower."

The blond winced again and his stomach growled. He rubbed at it, remembering what Ayuu had done the night before, however unwillingly the thoughts came.

"I should get you food." Essyu headed for the stairs, but paused halfway up, like he so often did. "Do you like waffles?"

"I love waffles," Naruto said with a laugh, grinning slightly.

"Ayuu made some." Essyu paused, as if thinking of something to say, but then he just started climbing the stairs again. "I'll see if there are any left."

The door closed behind him at the landing.


September 15th, 19:09

Snorting loudly, Sasuke couldn't help but smile slightly, shaking his head and playing with the noodles left over in his chicken noodle soup. "Your friend sounds like a moron."

"Yeah," Naruto agreed with a laugh. "Kiba's not exactly the brightest crayon in the box or anything, but he's my best friend, and I love the guy. Though he thinks every problem can be solved with sex which, really, isn't true."

Sasuke could imagine the blond rolling his eyes behind his mask, and the raven smirked when the other brought his fork towards his mouth with nothing on it. He watched Naruto put it between his lips before he growled.

"You could tell me when that happens, you know," Naruto grumped, annoyed. "Save me the embarrassment."

"But then I would have nothing to laugh at," Sasuke shot back, smirking and taking another bite of his own food.

Grumbling under his breath, Naruto started digging his fork into the bottom of the bowl before each bite to make sure he'd actually have something on it before bringing it to his mouth. Sasuke just smirked, watching him, leaning back in his usual chair.

To be honest, Sasuke had had a good day so far with Naruto. After having brought down some waffles for him to eat, the raven had started reading him Ice Station, which was a lot more talking than Sasuke was used to, but it was fun reading it aloud, and Naruto had really been getting into it.

After a while, though, the raven's throat was starting to hurt, so they began talking about other things instead around lunch time. Mostly, it was Sasuke asking Naruto questions, and the blond answering them, but it had still been fun, and despite Naruto not seeming to enjoy talking about himself, they'd had interesting debates about things. And Sasuke got to learn more about the billionaire's son.

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