Chapter 3

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Sasuke Says.

September 14th, 17:54

Naruto had to go to the bathroom.

Naruto really had to go to the bathroom.

Fuck did Naruto ever need to go to the bathroom!

But no, he couldn't, because he was stuck in a random basement somewhere chained to a wall. Additionally though, he wouldn't have gone even if he could. No way was he dropping trou in front of two dudes he didn't know! He couldn't even shower naked, there was no way he was taking his pants off in front of two kidnappers.

Though... what the hell was he supposed to do? If he pissed his pants, they'd just strip him anyway. The point would be moot. Was there even the possibility of winning, here? Or was it just a lose-lose no matter what for him?


He looked up out of habit, despite not being able to see, when he heard the door at the top of the stairs open and footsteps descending towards him. He could smell smoke approaching, obviously clinging to the person's clothing, and hoped it was Essyu. He seemed decently okay, for a kidnapper, anyway.

The blond leapt a mile high when one of his hands was grabbed and he wrenched it back almost defiantly, his pride wounded that he'd gotten so startled. He heard a chuckle, and deduced that it was Essyu.


"Hey, how about we cover your eyes and see how you like it?" Naruto snapped, then forced himself to calm down.

"I was just teasing," Essyu replied, a scowl evident in his voice. "Here."

The blond felt a bowl being put into his hands, and he quickly set it down on the futon when the heat from the food inside it burned his fingers. A fork was placed in his other hand and he nodded a thanks.

"It's Kraft Dinner," he was told. "I wasn't sure what else to make you."

"This is awesome. Thanks for not making me like, a tuna sandwich."

"I was thinking about it," the other replied, a smirk clear in his voice, and Naruto laughed.

He decided that since he didn't want to burn the inside of his mouth just yet, he would wait a little for the meal to cool down enough so he could at least hold the bowl in his hand. He felt it would be pretty hard to eat something he wasn't holding, considering he couldn't see. How blind people did it, Naruto had no idea.

"You're an interesting person," Essyu informed him, Naruto looking up in his general direction.

He heard the chair creak, suggesting the other had taken a seat, and shrugged. "How do you figure?"

"For someone who's been kidnapped, you seem fairly comfortable and calm."

"Well, shit, why not?" Naruto snorted and touched the bowl again. "I'm sitting comfortably on a futon eating Kraft Dinner. Apart from being a little bored, I can't really complain. It's not like you guys have been torturing me, not unless boredom counts as a form of torture these days.

"I'll see if I can maybe get you some audiobooks."

"Thank you for being smart and not saying a television," Naruto said with a grin. "That would've been pretty useless considering the blindfold. But yeah, audiobooks would be cool. If my dad actually agrees to pay," he snorted at the thought, "You should have him buy them and send them here. That way you won't be wasting money on my entertainment."

"I'll talk to Ayuu. We'll see."

Naruto just shrugged again and picked up the bowl, finding it was cooler to the touch now, though not by much. Still, he was starving, so he brought it close to his mouth, and took a bite, letting out an exclamation of happiness while he chewed. "Dude! That's awesome! I have tried literally everything I can think of, including dumping two packs of cheese into one box of KD, and I've never been able to get it this cheesy! How did you do that?"

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