"My problem? Oh it may have something to do with that fact that you went to Ireland to see your mother but appear to have lost someone on the way back."

"I didn't lose Helen." Pod snarled.

"Ah so you remember her name then."

Pod ran his hands over his face and groaned. "Of course I remember her name."

"So do you mind telling me why you are here and she is at my house? Oh and don't forget the part where you were leering over a half-naked woman in the pool room, while your house was full of drunken idiots."

"I don't have to explain my actions to you." Pod snarled as he turned to refill his mug.

He didn't get very far though as Gabe stood up and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him round to face him.

"How long have we been friends?"

"What has that got to do with anything?" Pod tried to pull away but Gabe tightened his grip on his shoulder.

"You are running scared and leaving a shit storm in your wake."

Pod stood a little straighter as he stared at Gabe.

"Who said I was scared? I just needed to let lose for a bit after being at our Ma's."

He shook off Gabes hand and went back to filling his mug.

"So that's your story then?"

Pod sighed as he put down his coffee and leant against the work top, head bowed.

"Do we really have to get into this now, I feel like shit."

"Not as shit as you're going to feel when Helen tackles you over the photos of your party on the internet. Not to mention what Abby will do to you. Oh and then there's Mary....."

"Who says they're going to find out? Oh wait, I suppose you'll tell Abby. Of course you will." Pod snorted.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know you can't lie to her, you are so whipped." Pod knew it was his hangover making him mean, but the words slipped out before his brain could stop them.

Gabe slammed his cup down and moved towards Pod, his green eyes glinting in fury.

"You've just crossed the line mate."

It was stupidity and anger at himself that had Pod standing straighter and glaring back at Gabe.

"Just stating a fact. Just because you two are all lovey dovey, doesn't give you the right to try and control what I do."

"You dick. Helen is Abbys' friend and you've hurt her. Of course I'm going to tell Abby what you've been up to. And since when did you have a problem with my relationship with her?"

"Wasn't that long ago that you would have joined me in having fun with that girl, instead of shoving me into a cold shower."

"Grow the fuck up Pod. The only reason you did any of this is because you are running from your feelings for Helen."

"You think because I'm the only one left in the band who's single that I have to fall in love with the first woman who comes along?" Pods voice grew louder as his temper flared. He would not be goaded into admitting anything to Gabe.

"Everyone can see it but you. Why are you being such a wanker over this?"

"It's nobody's business but mine, so back off." Pod pushed Gabe in the chest making him stumble backwards.

"You are such a fucking coward." Gabe stepped forward as he spoke and poked Pod in the chest with his finger.

"I'm warning you mate, don't push me."

"Or what?" Gabe got up in Pods face again. "Am I really going to have to beat some sense into you?"

"I'd like to see you try."

Gabe pushed Pod backwards as he glared at him. "Come on then, show me what you've got or is your yellow streak showing again?"

"That's it." Pod snarled as he pulled his arm back and launched a punch at Gabes face.

Gabe grunted and wiped his lip that had started to bleed. That was all it took to make him want to wipe the smug grin off of his friends face. His hand flew up and smacked Pod in the nose with a sickening crunch.

"You bastard." Pod cried as he flung himself at Gabe. They landed on the floor in a heap, grunting and snarling at each other. Both landed a few solid punches as they twisted and turned on the kitchen floor. It took a while to vent their anger and they ended up lying on their backs breathless and bloody.

"What are we doing?" Gabe mumbled as he tried to wipe the blood off his face with his shirt sleeve.

"Fucked if I know." Pod muttered as he gingerly felt his nose to see if it was broken. He winced in pain as he felt part of the bone move.

"Jaysus Gabe, you broke my fecking nose."

Gabe rolled over to look at Pod and clutched his side as his ribs complained.

"Yeah well I think you broke a couple of my ribs, so we're even you Irish bastard."

"Our women are going to kill us." Pod groaned as he tried to stand up.

"Well at least I've knocked some sense into you." Gabe sucked in a breath as his ribs complained when he stood up.

"What makes you think that?"

"You just said our women."

Pod rubbed that back of his neck as his cheeks flushed.

"Shit Gabe, I'm a goner."

Gabe slung an arm around his shoulders. "Yeah mate. It's just a shame we had to wreck our fists before you admitted it though."

They looked at their beaten and bloodied knuckles and started laughing.

"I guess we won't be playing our guitars for a while." Pod sighed in resignation.

"Well at least you have a sexy nurse to tend to your wounds when we get back to my place."

"Hmm, perhaps I can get her to wear her uniform again." Pod scratched his chin as his eyes twinkled in anticipation.

"You are one sick, twisted, Irish bastard."

"I'm sure Helen would lend Abby one of her uniforms if you asked nicely." Pod joked as he nudged Gabe in the ribs.

"Aaargh lay off the ribs and keep your fantasies to yourself please. I'm getting images in my head that can never be erased."

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment :)

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