Chapter 14

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This is insanity.

Lynn insists on throwing me a baby shower and will not allow me to buy any baby items before then.

She doesn't understand how anxious this is making me. Not only do I feel completely unprepared, but now I have to tell people.

Which is why I am here.

Today is the first family dinner since my parents came back and I promised to bring dessert.
I didn't want a huge dramatic reveal so I ordered these adorable cupcakes and shirts for everyone.
Lynn is tagging along because mom insisted, and also because she didn't want me carrying the boxes.

That is the one perk to this whole pregnancy thing.

"You know you could have just sent them a text, right?" She says for the millionth time while we wait for the cupcakes.

"You're just jealous I didn't get you a shirt."

The cashier comes back with four dozen cupcakes and we finish up the transaction.

Her phone rings, but her arms are full so I take it out for her.

"Who is Killian?"

"Don't answer. I'll text him back later."

"You didn't answer my question." I point out.

"Open the door, please." I do as asked and she puts the boxes in the backseat as I walk over to the driver's seat.

Ever since that Uber driver decided to draw her own conclusions and blast me all over social media, I've been borrowing one of dad's cars. I am already looking into getting one of my own.

"So, are you going to tell me who this Killian is or do I have to start snooping?" I ask once she is seated.

"He's no one important. Just a guy I met."

"A guy you met? Who has your number?" That could only mean one thing.
"Where did you meet?"

"Kate's." The coffee shop near her apartment? I wonder how that went.

"When was this?"

"Well, we met six months ago. I gave him my number late November, I believe."

"November! You've been seeing someone since November and you didn't tell anyone?"

"Seeing is a stretch. He's more a late night snack than anything else."

"Same thing." I can't believe this bitch. Did she just say late night snack??
"Who is this guy? What does he do? Where is he from?"

"You're way too into this."

"You make me tell you every time a guy so much as flirts with me!" How dare she not tell me about the guy she is sleeping with?

"Killian Trégard. He's either Italian or Portuguese. He's part owner of that new hotel they're building near my place and is here to oversee things." She spits out non-chalantly.

Another out of towner.

"Why do you only date guys who are here for a short time?" There are plenty of great guys here.

"We're not dating. He's way too serious and boring."

"Then why are you seeing him?"

"He's not boring naked." I can hear the smile in her voice, but do not look over since I am driving.

"God, I miss sex." It's been two months since I last got any action and these damn hormones are not helping one bit.

"Then get some."

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