Escape Plan

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Isabella's heart pounded in her chest as she looked around, searching for a way out. The creatures were closing in on her, their glowing eyes fixated on her every move.

She knew she had to act fast. Isabella backed away slowly, trying to keep her eyes on the creatures as she went. But then one of them lunged at her, its claws scraping against the concrete floor.

Isabella dodged it, barely avoiding its razor-sharp claws. She turned and ran, her heart racing as she searched for a way out of the haunted house.

And then she saw it. A window, high up on the wall. Isabella raced toward it, hoping against hope that it would be her way out.

She leaped up and grabbed the windowsill, her fingers scrabbling for purchase. For a moment, it seemed like she wouldn't be able to make it. But then she found a foothold, and pulled herself up.

Isabella scrambled through the window, landing hard on the ground outside. She stumbled to her feet and looked around, trying to get her bearings.

She was in a dark alleyway, surrounded by old buildings and broken-down cars. The moon shone down on her, casting everything in an eerie light.

Isabella took a deep breath and started to run. She had to get as far away from the haunted house as possible, before the creatures caught up to her.

But then she heard it. The sound of footsteps, coming from behind her. Isabella turned and saw the creatures, running at full speed toward her.

She had to think fast. Isabella spotted a nearby fire escape, and made a beeline for it. She climbed up the rungs, pulling herself higher and higher.

And then she heard a sound that made her blood run cold. A howl, echoing through the night. The creatures were getting closer, and she knew she was running out of time.

Isabella reached the top of the fire escape and looked out across the rooftops. She saw a way out, a narrow alleyway that led to the street below.

She took a deep breath and leaped across the gap, landing hard on the rooftop on the other side. And then she ran, her heart pounding in her chest.

She made it to the alleyway and raced down the narrow path, dodging obstacles and jumping over obstacles. And then she saw it, the street ahead.

Isabella burst out onto the street, just as a car screeched to a halt in front of her. The driver jumped out, yelling at her to get in.

She did, slamming the door shut just as the creatures caught up to her. The car sped away, leaving the haunted house and its horrors behind.

Isabella collapsed into the seat, her heart racing and her body shaking. She had made it out alive, but she knew she would never forget the horrors she had witnessed that night.

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