why do you smell like piss?

Start from the beginning

his phone had been also taken away ( along with his rights), leaving him with nothing but his thoughts. he felt a deep sorrow, but accepted that it was too late to turn back now.

"can you at least play something – less shitty?" asked san to his chauffer that could very clearly hear him. but the only thing he did was glance at san over the front mirror and completely ignored him, even increasing the volume.

san rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, setting himself back onto the seat. this was going to be a very looong ride.


"i swear i'll be a good boy!"

"i don't doubt you will my sweet boy, but are you 100% sure you want to follow yeosang?"

"yep. i'm sure this will be super fun! plus i get to travel to canada, that's a win win situation if you ask me."

wooyoung's mom stared at him with a hint of disapproval in her eyes , but only because she was reticent to send her baby so far away for so many weeks. she really didn't get why he wanted to go to that camp so badly, but she couldn't bring herself to say no when he fully begged on his knees for it.

yes you heard it right, wooyoung quite literally pulled the puppy eyes move on his parents. which worked like a charm.

"love you mom, but i really don't wanna miss the flight–"
his mom wrapped herself around the young boy and showered him with kisses followed with one hundred millions of 'be careful'.

he greeted his mom one last time before running to the queue to get on the plane.

yeosang was already in canada since he had family there waiting for the camp to start so unfortunately wooyoung was not going to be accompanied during his flight, it was fine tho because he brought plenty of things to do.

he also had researched the camp online just before and it had a lot of positive reviews so it couldn't be that bad. besides, it would give him something to do during the summer.

all this is certainly not an excuse because wooyoung's only friend is yeosang and without him he would have had a shitty summer... hm anyways so.

despite being a pure extrovert wooyoung did have a hard time making long term friends without weirding them out at some point. many people said he was too much to handle and just stopped talking to him. he really didn't get why and no one seemed to want to give him any more details.

yeosang was enough for him anyway.
and just as yeosang was very reluctant to participate in the day camp, wooyoung was going to help him out! everything would turn out well for everyone in the end.

wooyoung finally stepped onto the plane, feeling a mixture of excitement and anticipation. it was his first time on a plane, and he was looking forward to arriving in canada. he quickly found his seat, and settled in, pulling out a book to read. he noticed that he was alone in his section, and suddenly felt a little nervous.

he tried to focus on the book, but his mind kept wandering to the long flight ahead of him. he knew that it would take a while to travel from south korea to canada, but he was determined to make the most of the journey. he took a deep breath, and settled, hoping that the time would pass quickly.


"mr choi, we have arrived at your destination."

SUMMER CAMP | WOOSANWhere stories live. Discover now