28: The Counselors

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Kore had wanted nothing more than to spend eternity with her love, but her love included mother as well. She couldn't live without her mother. And surely Kore, being a Nature goddess, would have to come up some time.

"Never see mother again?! This is not what I wanted!" She pulled Demeter to herself, inseparable.

"Can't you do something, Zeus?! We'll surely die!"

"I cannot change the scripture for any case, Demeter," he empathized.

"Well, clearly she didn't it the whole of it," Athena voiced, noticing the seeds spilled on the floor.

Kore smiled at her sister's wisdom and took the hint. "Oh, yes. I surely couldn't have eaten all the seeds. I just ate the five, no, six of them."

Zeus appreciated their loophole. "Alright, then. Seeing as you only ate six seeds, then you will spend six moons in the underworld. The rest you will be with us!"

Everyone agreed to that decision and Demeter and Kore celebrated.

"Oh, how I've missed you, my little bud. Let us stay together the while that we can."

"Surely I've missed you as well, mother. But you see," Kore fixed her hair. "I've been with you for twenty two years. I will come back to you!" She quickly added, "but I'd like my months with Hades to begin tomorrow."

Kore pleaded, and Demeter gave in to her charm. "Tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night," Kore agreed, and returned to their castle once The Council dispersed.

Kore returned with her mother back to their castle, enjoying her last night on Olympus for a while. Her friends wished to see her off too and held a musical party in her honor. They made her wait with Demeter in the visiting parlor while they prepared her party room.

Kore sat by the fire, having tea with her mother as the duo talked about sweet nothings. That's when Hestia stopped by and Demeter went to get more tea snacks.

"I see you have his ring," Hestia said, nodding to the jewelry on her finger.

Kore twisted the ring around her finger, smiling as she assessed it. "He gave it to me. It's so beautiful, is it not?"

"It's much more than just beautiful, Kore," Hestia said as she pulled Kore to sit beside her.

Kore sat quietly, interested in what else her aunt had to say.

"The sapphire has many qualities. It is believed to be good for attracting abundance, blessings, and gifts. Suppose that's why it's the color of hellfire," Hestia added lightly, and Kore smiled. "It also has the ability to protect against negative energies, calm the mind, and eliminate impediments among many others."

"Well, it certainly protected me against negative energies," Kore chuckled, recalling the incident at court.

"Yes, but if it is here with you, then it is not with him," Hestia said ominously.

Kore furrowed her brows. What would Hades need protection from? He was almost the most feared god present. Then she remembered what he had said when he gave it to her.

"This ring is his strength," she repeated out loud. "What would Hades need protection from?"

"A broken mind," Hestia revealed. "Aidoneus has had a lot happen to him in his life. But he accepts his fate without quarrel. Holding your head that high weighs down your shoulders."

"And he gave it to me," Kore whispered as she looked at the ring with tearful eyes.

"He cares for you more than you know, little one," Hestia caressed her face, lifting her chin.

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