21. Sunday

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The next day was the first of the new week, aptly named Sunday for how brightly Helios rode his ride across the sky. The Olympians convened for a meal every Sunday; to get matters in order, or simply sit and eat together.

Kori was found sleeping in the parlor by her mother, and the two went to brunch together. Kori persuaded Demeter to allow her to sit with Hera's girls - as they happened to be her friends- since she would be heading to Paros later in the day.

"Must be some Sunday if you're gracing as with your presence."

Everyone faced the door to see who Hestia had addressed.

"Eh, I was still top side," Hades replied as he made his way to his seat, "thought I would join you all for brunch."

"Well, we were one short," Hera acknowledged as she passed him a tray of food.

"Do away with Zeus finally, did you?" Poseidon joked.

"And have him stuck with me in the underworld for eternity? Styx, I prefer my solutide." He grabbed his chalice and downed his drink.

"You're about to be busy, Demi," Hera asked.

"Oh, very much so," Demeter lamented. "Last few of the hot seasons before it's harvest time."

"Well, I wish you a good harvest, sister. Otherwise, I get an influx of your subjects in my realm."

"Styx forbid you get more to do," Poseidon teased Hades.

Hades smuggly sucked his finger as he ate piece of the meat. "Precisely."

The actions didn't go unnoticed by the Heram girls as they giggled between each other. It didn't go unnoticed by their teacher, who chided her brother from across the table.

"Mind your displays at the table, Hades," Hera said, chuckling at the innocence of her girls. "I don't want you going about spoiling my girls' appetite."

Hades blushed as the few other gods at the table laughed at the notion. Among the distraction, he stole a look towards Kori, who was staring boldly back at him, her fork bended with tension. He laughed at her misery.

Demeter did not enjoy the suggestive banter. "Well, I shall get a move on, then. Kori, dear? You'll be coming with me?" Her request was made in a matter of fact tone which Kori couldn't deny.

"Of course, mother," she replied, pouting her sadness at Hades, who echoed her feelings.

When it was time to leave, Kori requested a second chariot, blaming it on not being prepared. Demeter's ride exited Olympus, and descended the hill without delay. Kori however, detoured outside the palace grounds.

Hades wasn't home before her, and every moment he was late made her restless. When he finally appeared, Kori ran to him.

"You should've been dying to see me before I left!" She teased him as she hung back on his arms, his hands laced behind her back.

Hades pursed his lips, "no different than any other time I'm waiting to see you."

Kori pouted as she pulled herself up to face him. "Hades!"

"Kori!" Hades whined back, before he sighed and gave in. He gently kissed her nose. "Fine. I'll miss you very much."

Kori kissed him and took his hand as she walked them out to her carriage. "We'll write every day."

"I'll try my best. But I think you'll be far too busy this season," he reminded her as they approached her ride.

Kori finally remembered her duties. "Ah, I'm already behind!" She helped herself up into the carriage, and leaned out the window. "Give me a hand, won't you, love?"

Hades smiled. "See you soon," he twisted his hand and sent her down to Paros. With Kori gone, Hades went back inside his castle, not noticing the shoe she'd dropped in her haste.

Elsewhere in Olympus, other characters were moving as well. Zeus went on a realm tour, checking out how things and people were working in the world. He spent sometime in the skies, then the land, then he visited Poseidon's kingdom as well. Finally, he went to have a quick stop on the Underworld. Nothing attracted him to stay down there long, except the fates perhaps, and the ever existing need to run the Underworld as well.

Hades was working at court, annoying his brother by being unable to make time for him. Zeus festered for only a little while before he went to visit the triplets.

The Fates welcomed him with open arms; mouth, and legs, and kept him very entertained for his visit. It wasn't until he was leaving that they brought up something important.

"Is it not high time...

"your brother...

found a queen?"

The three draped themselves over him to make him listen, distracting him with their siren voices.

"Well, I suppose it has been an eternity of loneliness for him." He said as he watched one particular woman. "But I don't know which goddess would ever in her right mind agree to be the queen of Hell."

"It is not there's to choose,

or yours."

"The fates decide."

"It is decreed:

"for whom the shoe fits

"shall be Hades's queen."

Zeus smirked as he stroked one's back while his lips hung in the mouth of another.


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