He scoffed, "Or what?"

Her blue eyes snapped open. He instantly regretted his words. She leaned down and gave him a deep kiss, his hands lightly tugged her lips back from his. She smiled sweetly, "I wasn't asking."

"You're not playing fair," he glared and pulled their lips together again before releasing her.

"Who says I'm playing," she sat up, "Your mother has requested I make pizza tonight. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah," his red eyes were still hazy, "Maybe you can show her how to cook."
Mitsuki was watching Sunni closely as she kneaded the dough. Bakugo was quietly chopping vegetables.

"Now, you put flour on your surface, and begin to work out your dough." She smiled at Mitsuki, "here, you do it." She watched with a smile as the woman copied her movements. The red head took some of the veggies he had chopped, "Thank you for helping me. You're better at it than I am."

He looked at her and smirked, "You're damn right I am." He reached up and wiped some flour from her cheek.

Her blue eyes cut to Mitsuki, "That perfect right there," she moved to show the woman the next steps. Bakugo stopped chopping and turned to watch. His harsh eyes softened seeing Sunni taking her time with his mom. Masaru sat quietly watching them as well, a small smile on his face.

"Oh my god Sunni," Mitsuki sat back in her chair, "That was so good."

Sunni smiled, "I'm glad you liked it. You did a great job helping." She stood and gathered plates, Masaru started to protest, but her blue eyes stopped him, "It's my mess."

The man sighed with a smile, "Well I'm helping."

Sunni wiped the counters while he washed dishes, "Sunni, I wanted to thank you."

"For dinner," the red head asked, "It was really no trouble."

"No, for spending time with Mitsuki," he paused and looked at her, "A lot of people find her intimidating."

She began drying dishes, "I think she's hilarious." She paused for a moment, "Sometimes I have a hard time remembering my mother. I'd like to think she had a similar attitude." She smiled and continued.

Masaru smiled softly as he continued washing the dishes. He had to remind himself that her parents had passed. She looked at him, "So you wanted to become a pro at one point, right?"

The man nodded, "Yeah. I was very set on it, but, there was more money and job security in what I do now. Not to mention I met Mitsuki."

"Do you worry about Katsuki?" She looked at him.

"Every single day," he sighed, "but, I get it. It's what he's destined to do. All I can do is support him."

Sunni smiled, "You're a great father for that."

Masaru blushed slightly as he finished washing, "Thank you, I really do try."

After cleanup, Sunni showered and dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. It hadn't hit her how tired she was until the water had hit her body. She walked into the bedroom and softly closed the door behind her. Bakugo was downstairs talking with his parents about next semester and his agency stuff. She didn't want to intrude on family matters, so instead she settled into the comfortable bed sheets and texted her brother to check in.

Her eyes opened when she felt lips on her cheek. She wasn't even aware she had fallen asleep. His scent filled her nose. A smile graced her lips and her hand wound it's way over his shoulder. The room was dark now, but small slithers of moonlight made themselves known. His lips traveled down her jawline and to her lips in a deep kiss.

He reluctantly pulled away and nuzzled into her neck, "Sorry it took a while."

"It's fine. I talked with Tobias," she wrapped her arms around him and played with his hair."He's in America currently."

The sleepy blond nodded, "How long will he be there?"

"A month or so," she sighed, "I have to stop by his apartment in a few days to check in. He asked about you."

"What about me?"

"Just how midterms went, I told him about your plan after graduation. He's excited," her hands traced light circles on his arm.

Bakugo felt his eyes growing heavier with each moment. Sunni smiled softly when she could feel his even breathing. Before she knew it, sleep had claimed her as well. Two pairs of eyes silently looked in, checking on them. It was all Mitsuki could do to contain herself. Bakugo laid with his head on her chest, arms wrapped underneath her. Sunni had one hand in his hair, and the other resting on his shoulder. The woman quietly closed the door, "It makes my heart want to burst."

Masaru chuckled at his wife, "You have to keep it together."

She huffed as they made their way to their bedroom, "Says you," she stopped when they reached their door, "I do feel bad for her though. She misses her parents...I kind of worry that we are making it worse."

He placed a kiss on his wife's forehead, "I think she is enjoying herself. Don't overthink it."

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