Day One

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Sunni woke to find herself alone. Katsuki had mentioned going to train with Kirishima. She hadn't heard his alarm, but, she had slept well. She dressed in a pair of black tights and a dark green oversized sweater that came to her mid thigh. She clipped her hair half up, letting out the braid. She came downstairs to see Mitsuki and Masaru sipping on coffee. They both smiled and bid her Goodmorning.

"Did you sleep well?" Mitsuki pried slyly.

"Oh I slept wonderfully," the red headed girl was on to her games, "How about you? You seem so...refreshed. What's your secret?"

Masaru almost choked on his coffee. Mitsuki laughed, "You're playing hardball today."

She winked, "I don't know what you mean."
Mitsuki walked through the store, scanning the ads, "So I'm somewhat working right now, I apologize."

The red head watched her with a smile, "No it's fine! Can I help?"

"I'm just looking at our ads to make sure they're up accordingly," the woman smiled.

"Your company's clothing is really lovely," her eyes scanned and landed on a sage green dress.  "I would wear that on the carpet."

A small blush landed on the woman's cheeks, "Next time you're in need of one, just ask."

They visited a few more shops before grabbing lunch. Sunni had never done anything like this before, it was all exciting. Mitsuki was amused at the young girl. She made sure to show her around. They made their way into a bookstore as their last stop. Sunni started scanning the books, on the hunt.

"Finally," she pulled it off of the shelf and smiled at Mitsuki, "I promised Katsuki this book if I could find it in Japanese."

"What kind of book is it," she held it in her hands for a moment and smiled, "ah, another horror book."

"We both like them. I'm glad I finally found it."

When they arrived back at the house, it was quiet. Sunni made her way up to the bedroom to find a sleeping Katsuki. She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek. His red eyes shot open, almost making her jump. "Goodmorning sleeping beauty."

He sleepily glared at her, "I just fell asleep."

"So then I guess you don't want the gift I got you," she made a move to stand, but his hand grabbed her.  "Here," she handed him the book, "This was ridiculously hard to find so you better appreciate it."

He blinked and sat up, taking the book. It was her favorite one. Dracula. The cover was elaborate with dark leather binding and gold leaf wording. He smirked, "Is it a bad time to tell you I can't read?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I'll get you some beginner books next time I'm out."

He set it aside and pulled her to him, "She didn't drive you crazy did she?"

Sunni shook her head, "Not at all. We had fun. How was training?"

"Rough. Cold weather is hard for me to train in," he yawned, "Stupid Hair kicked my ass today."

She looked closely, seeing a random bruise here and there, making her frown, "You want me to avenge you?"

He chuckled, "Pipe down small fry, it's fine." He ran his hands into her hair, "Tomorrow we are going out."

She closed her eyes, "To where?"

"Pinky planned it. So probably somewhere stupid."

She slightly poked him, "That's my friend, be nice."

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