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MAY 4, 2022

"We're taking so many L's, you know that?" I said, giggling. Phil and I sat at the counter of the hotel bar, already having lost track of how many drinks we had had. 

"That's not funny." He replied, giving me a look. City had been leading 5-3 on aggregate for the majority of the game until the 90th minute, when Real Madrid had scored goals in the 90th, 91st, and 95th minutes, resulting in City losing 5-6 and being eliminated in the semi-finals. 

"Hey, look on the bright side!" 

"What's the bright side?" 

"I have no fucking clue." I replied, taking another shot. "I think my body composition is 90% vodka right now." 

"There goes my Champions League dreams." Phil sighed. 

"Hey. At least you have next year. The Champions League isn't going anywhere. But you know what is?  My love life. I may have screwed up the first real good thing in my life in a long, long, time. Oh boy. I need more drinks." I waved over to the bartender who nodded, understanding my request for even more shots. 

"For the last time, you really haven't. From what I can tell, he's still madly in love with you." 

"Nuh-uh. No L-word allowed." 

"You know what I mean." 

"I really don't. We were half naked, about to have sex, then I pushed him away and pulled an Irish exit. So forgive me if I think I blew my chances with him." 

"You're so dramatic." 

"No, you're so dramatic." 

"I think both of you are being overly dramatic, and you both need to go bak to the hotel room and get some sleep. Especially you, Phil. Pep's not gonna be too happy to see you drinking your liver away." Kevin said, removing the shot glasses from our hands and dragging us away from the bar. 

"Party pooper." I whined, giving him a glare. 

"I think your liver will thank me tomorrow." 

"My liver doesn't have a consciousness. But I do, and my consciousness is very upset right now because the drinks have magically disappeared."

Eventually, Kevin managed to drag both of us back to our respective rooms, telling us to get some sleep. But not three minutes passed when I found myself knocking on Phil's door. 

"Phil~ Phil!" 

I heard a groan come from inside his room, then a few moments later, the door opened. "You're so needy." 

"Love you too." A bag of chips in hand, I lied down on his bed and asked, "Do you think I'm broken?"

"What now?" 

"Do you think I'm broken?" 

"You're going to have to specify a little bit more." 

"I mean, I just feel like I'm a package deal of issues. Dead mommy, dead daddy, basically dead brother, commitment issues, intimacy issues." 

"None of those are your fault, though." 

"So you do think I'm broken, then?" 


"Fuck you." I said, throwing a piece of popcorn at his face.

"What? You asked for my honest opinion. Besides, I think there's nothing wrong with being broken. We all have our issues." 

"What do I do?" 

"I think you need to talk to Mason. He really does care about you, you know." 

"I know." 

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