Falling out of love...?

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The transition from best friends to lovers was something you never thought would happen to you and Mason. The two of you grew up in Portsmouth, and you did everything together growing up. You went to the same kindergarten, went to the same school, had sleepovers, went to prom together, went on family holidays, and sometimes you'd even go all the way to London to watch him play for Chelsea Academy.

Never in a million years would you think that both your parents would be right about you and Mason falling for each other. It took 18 years for you to realize that he was your person; there wasn't any other guy that could make you as happy as he did. And the same was for him; you were his person, and you made him feel something not any other girl could make him feel.

Fast forward, to 24, present day. Not everything was a rainbow like it used to be. For the past few weeks, things had been rough between the two of you, but what was even tougher was the fact that you were the only noticing it.

Mason had been acting strange; he had become this person you didn't recognize at all. Aggressive on the pitch, annoyed and complaining most of the time, very distant some days, other days doing nothing more than giving you a quick kiss and a hug, which for you didn't feel like they meant anything to him. To you, it felt like he was slowly falling out of love with you, and you didn't know what to do about it.

The thing about your and Mason's relationship is that it's not the most romantic; the two of you have never been lovey-dovey. It sounds weird, but it's because you were also best friends. That's why things had been going so well, until now.

Your relationship had more of a comedic tone: you were always joking and pranking each other, having random discussions like best friends do, never once getting jealous because you trust each other, you only joke about it.

Of course there was a romantic side, but it wasn't something the two of you were comfortable sharing with others. Only among yourselves.

Not only were you feeling that the love of your life was drifting away, but your best friend was also, and that hurt you even more. You truly don't know how to live your life without him; you've never experienced life without him. He's always been there.

Despite all of those worries, you had agreed to go clubbing today with him, his teammates, and some of their girlfriends. They have a day off tomorrow, which meant they could spend tonight doing whatever.

You weren't the type to go clubbing, but when you did, you would sit in a corner or just be with Mason, but this time you weren't sure what to do. You weren't in the mood, but for the sake of your relationship and how it was currently going, you would do anything just to be with him.

You walked down the stairs, all dressed and ready to go. Mason was already downstairs, on his phone like he would be most of the time.

"You look nice," he said, without looking up at you. You rolled your eyes and walked past him. "Can we go now?" you asked, slightly annoyed at how his eyes were glued to that stupid phone.

You had called an Uber to take you because there was a chance both of you would drink, so you never know. It didn't take long—just 15 minutes—and you had arrived.

When the two of you got out of the car, you followed him to the entrance, where he quickly let you go in first, "I'm heading to the boys." He placed a kiss on top of your head quickly and left before you could say anything.

You let out a sigh, not sure what to do now. He didn't seem to want to be with you, so you looked around for the girls who were here. It took some time, but you eventually found Sophia, who seemed to be very drunk already.

"Y/N! You're here!" she shouted loud enough so you could hear over the music.

"I'm here!" You smiled as you approached her, pulling her into a hug.

"You need to drink," she dragged you to the bar, where she ordered you one. You weren't so keen on drinking, but you took one just for her.

"Here you go," she said, handing you the glass.

"Thanks, Soph," you smiled at her, before taking a sip.

"Cartia and Lauren are here too somewhere, but I think I lost them," she laughed before taking another shot of whatever she had ordered. You laughed at her drunken state and made sure to keep an eye on her, just in case.

For some time, you distracted yourself with the girls—not fully distracted, but enough to let loose for a while. You had danced for a bit and needed to take a break, so you took a seat at the bar stool, looking around while catching your breath.

Your eyes landed on the boys, especially Kai, Declan, and Ben, who were standing up, talking to each other. They were pretty close to where you were, but you couldn't see them properly because of the sharp lights and the dark background, and there were people dancing all over the place with their hands in the air.

You tried to find Mason, just to make sure he was still here, and it didn't take you too long. He was sitting with Trevoh, Ruben, Reece, and a few girls around a table. You weren't the jealous type, like mentioned, it never bothered you. But seeing him laugh at whatever the girl next to him had said...it hurt. You hadn't seen him laugh that much and look so happy the past few weeks, whenever he was with you.

For the first time, it was enough to make you feel jealous, for real this time. You couldn't joke about it like you usually do, and you couldn't pretend that it's nothing. With your relationship at stake, you felt like this was a sign that maybe you were slowly losing him and that someone else is going to take him away from you.

The built-up emotions inside of you were too much to hold back. You didn't want to see more. You got up from your seat and headed to the bathroom, where you locked yourself in. As soon as you locked it, you let your tears out because you had held them back for too long. For the first time in weeks, you felt like you had to cry. You had tried everything to make him happy and less frustrated with whatever had happened, but cleverly, he didn't see anything that was wrong between the two of you.

You cried for long, to the point your mascara had ran down your cheeks. When you felt like you had cried enough, you looked at yourself in the mirror, wiping your tears away with your hands. You didn't care how you looked with the messed-up mascara, you didn't want to fix it or wash your face.

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