Come back home

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It's been a whole month since you and Mason broke up. You broke up with him after a huge argument. You asked Mason to do the dishes after you came home from a long day at work. Long story short, it led to an argument and you both said some harsh things to each other. You told him he's bad at football and self-centered, even though he's not. But the things he said were far worse.

You've thought about his words repeatedly in your head since that night. "You mean nothing to me. Don't think you're special because I can get anyone I want at any time."

Those words stung you terribly. Before he could say anything more, you told him it was over between you two. You stormed off for the night, and came back early the next day to take all your stuff and move in to your mom's house.

The thing about you and Mason is that you were best friends from the age of 9. You became a couple at the age of 17 when he confessed his feelings for you. You both have been through every high and low of each other's lives. That's why both your families were shocked by what happened. Neither you nor Mason wanted to talk about it.

Like said, it's been a whole month now. Despite deleting his number and removing him from your social media, you can't stop thinking about him. You watch him on TV now and then and still feel happy for him whenever he scores or has a good game. That will never change.

What you didn't know was that Mason was daily trying to reach out to you, but since you deleted his number, it would only show as an unknown caller and you don't pick up those calls.

A whole month without each other, and you have both been miserable in your own way.

Mason has spent most nights clubbing with friends. He's constantly thinking about you. He is full of regret. He's at a club right now with his friends. That's what his Saturdays look like now. Girls would always walk up to him and show their interest, but he didn't like it. It's happening at this very minute while he's thinking of you. A girl just walked up to him and started talking, but he showed no interest. He decided to go home.

He walked past the hospital you work at. He looked at it for a couple of seconds, knowing that today is Saturday, meaning you're working until 9pm. It's currently 8:48 pm. The only thing on his mind right now is that he needs to take you back home.

He stepped inside the hospital. He's familiar with the hallways from previous times where he would come visit you while you were working. He went to the reception to meet Maggie, the receptionist.

He asked for you. Maggie helped him and showed him the laboratory you're working in. He thanked her and waited outside, sitting on a chair.

Meanwhile, you check the time and it's time for you to go home. You throw your gloves in the bin near the door and open it to see Mason sitting there in front of you waiting.

He looks up at you and stands up. You slowly close the door behind you. You're shocked to see him here.

"Hey," he said nervously. He seemed very nervous, and you know that he usually never gets nervous.

"Hey," you replied with a confused look. Mason looked like he didn't know what to say or do next. You look down at his fingers. He's peeling his skin off around his nails, something he does when he doesn't know what to do.

"Don't do that," you said, separating his hands. You both look at each other. He gave you a slight smile, but it quickly faded when he remembered why he was here.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Let me get changed first," you said. You wanted to hear what he had to say. After all, you still love him and miss him deeply.

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