Scolding the kids

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For a while, Mason has been very occupied with football. The club has been in a tough position, and the players have had to deal with longer training sessions, which has led to Mason not being able to spend time with you, Mila, and Milo as much as he's wanted.

You gave birth to Mila and Milo four years ago. When you found out you'd have twins, you both knew it was gonna be tough, and it definitely has been moments where it's been difficult raising them, but you wouldn't have it any other way. You and Mason both love them unconditionally...even if they can be a pain in the arse sometimes.

Just like most days when Mason wasn't home, the twins would spend the day arguing and fighting. You thought they'd get along pretty well considering they're twins, but they're really each other's enemies.

Mason was coming home soon, and you had spent the whole day separating Mila and Milo from each other. One minute they would be busy playing with their toys, and the next minute they would steal each other's toys, causing them to either cry, scream, or hit each other.

You've had to deal with this behavior many times, and it always happens when Mason isn't home. You didn't tell him most of the time when the kids would fight and give you a hard time because he already had too much to worry about, but this time you had enough.

"It's my toy!" Milo dragged Mila's doll from her hand.

"Nooo," Mila whined, starting to cry as soon as Milo was able to snatch it away from her.

You sighed again upon hearing the sound of crying for the fifth time today. "What's going on now?" You walked over to them.

"It's mine," Mila cried as she pointed at her toy. You looked at Milo, seeing him play with Mila's doll, unbothered by what he had caused.

"Milo, give the toy back to your sister," you said, crossing your arms, waiting for him to listen to you.

"No," he said, running away.

"Milo, come back right now!"

Mila cried even harder as she saw Milo run away with her toy; she stood up and ran after him, crying louder and louder.

"Stop it right now!" You tried to separate the two; you had to be careful not to hurt either of them, but it wasn't easy when both of them were strong like bullets.

Mila kept dragging her toy, and Milo was dragging it too; both were screaming, causing you to hold your ears. You couldn't stop them this time; you were tired and sick of their behavior.

Before you knew it, the door had closed with a loud sound. Everything went quiet. You took your hands away from your ears. Mason was home and had an angry look on his face. You knew that look from times when he was angry.

He dropped his bag and jacket as he had everyone's attention on him. He walked towards the twins and grabbed the doll from both their hands.

"I heard you two screaming all the way from outside, is this how you treat your mom?!" He looked at the two with anger. You watched your kids look down with a sad face expression; they were aware that their dad was angry with them.

"I'm talking to you both, Mila and Milo!" Mason said, making them look at him.

"Go to your rooms!" he said, still talking to them in an angry and loud tone. As much as you hated seeing your kids sad and quiet, it was for the best. You can't keep allowing them to do whatever they want and not getting any consequences for it.

"Now!" He almost yelled, making them both jump and walk to their respective rooms.

As soon as you both heard the doors shut, you stood up, "Thanks, Mase." You sighed, somewhat relieved at how peaceful and quiet it was now.

"Are you ok?" He asked, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine; my head hurts though; they've been screaming nonstop today," you said, admitting to him how stressed you've been feeling.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to talk to them later when things are calm," he cupped your face and placed a kiss on your lips.


As you were preparing dinner, Mason had managed to get a shower and change into more comfortable clothes. He walked over to you, noticing that the kids were still in their rooms after they got scolded.

"The quietness is weirding me out now," he chuckled as he walked up behind you and hugged you.

"Tell me about it," you laughed. "Maybe we should check on them though; I haven't heard a noise and it's kind of worrying me," you admitted.

"Leave that to me," he told you. You turned around and placed a kiss on his lips, thanking him.

Mason walked into Milo's room first, seeing him sit on the floor, playing with his car, but not with much energy or a smile on his face. It was more of a distraction after being yelled at.

"Milo, come here," Mason said, reaching his hand out, still standing at the door. Milo dropped his car and slowly walked up to his dad, grabbing his hand.

Mason didn't say another word. He led him over to Mila's room, and as he opened the door, he saw her sitting on her bed, wiping her tears with her tiny hands.

Mila was a sensitive kid; she had a hard time to stop crying, and now that her dad had yelled at her, she was upset and thinking that he hates her.

Mason's heart broke seeing his daughter still crying; it had been almost half an hour since the scolding, and she was clearly scared and upset.

Milo looked at his sister too. Mason had always secretly told him to always protect his sister, and at this moment there was no hesitation in him; he walked over to his sister, making Mason look at him surprisingly.

He climbed up to her bed, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry, Mila," he said. Mason's heart melted at the interaction.

"It's ok," Mila said, as she kept wiping her tears.

Mason walked over to the two and sat on Mila's bed. He wiped away Mila's tears properly and placed a kiss on top of her head and one on Milos'.

They both looked at their dad, more relaxed knowing he wasn't angry at them anymore.

"Will you keep fighting?" He softly asked. They both shook their heads. "Will you share your toys by asking first?" Mason asked, and they both nodded.

"Will you keep giving your mommy a hard time?" He asked. They shook their heads again.

"I know I'm not here with you all the time, and I'm really sorry for that," he started talking, holding both their hands.

"But that doesn't mean it's ok to give your mom a hard time; we need to appreciate her and love her because without her, life would be really hard," Mason told them.

They both listened carefully to each word Mason said, both understanding how they needed to be nicer to you.

You had heard everything Mason had told them, and seeing them listen to him and understand what he was saying made you smile and feel like things were going to get better now.

You watched Mason pull them both into his arms, hugging them tight with one kiss on each of their cheeks, telling them how much he loves them.

"Room for one more hug?" You carefully knocked on the door, grabbing their attention.

They all looked at you. You watched Mila and Milo both run towards you, reaching for a hug. You kneeled down and hugged them both.

"Sorry, mommy," they both said in unison. You chuckled at their cuteness and placed a kiss on top of their heads.

"I love you both so much," you assured them. Mason walked over to you and wrapped his arms around all of you. These were the moments you loved the most.

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