Protective brother part 2

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It's been around 4 days since Nellie told her brother about the stalker. She hasn't seen him since and it sort of eased the situation. She did her best to enjoy the vacation and forget about him but she she still had her eyes open, and so did Mason.

He had made Nellie download an app to make sure he has her location at all times. If she gets in any trouble Mason can easily track her.

The guy who had been stalking was very careful of his surroundings too. He had been watching Nellie from a distance.

Tonight the hotel was hosting a talent show. Multiple people from the outside would show off their talents while also giving the crowd a show. Everyone at the hotel, including Nellie and the rest of the group, had taken seats around the front area near the stage.

It was right after dinner the show had started, the first person was doing a magic trick, it wasn't anything like they haven't seen before, nothing special.

The second contestant had brought up a big long snake which he had around his neck. It was a real snake which made everything more fascinating and interesting. He even chose a few people from the crowd to come up and hold the snake. Declan decided to try it but instantly regretted it as soon as the snake was around his neck. A loud girly scream escaped his mouth which made everyone laugh out loud.

The show went on and on until there was one act left. The last act were a group of dancers showing different styles of dancing and skills. They made the whole crowd stand up and clap. By the end of it all loud music was displayed in the whole room and everyone at the hotel went up dancing and enjoying the night.

"I need to go the bathroom", Nellie said to her brother who was busy filming Ben and Declan dancing.

"Just wait a minute I'll come with you", he said still filming.

"I'll go on my own it's fine", Nellie said loud enough for him to hear, the music was taking over.

"No you're not going alone", Mason said as he stopped filming.

"Let's go, quick", he said leading her out of the room.

"I'll wait here", Mason said as they approach the women's bathrooms.

"Ok I'll be quick", she said opening the door to go the bathroom. It only took a few minutes until she was done. The loud music was still heard from the other room.

She quickly got out and walked over to Mason who was sitting on a chair waiting for her.

"Done", he asked. She quickly nodded as he stood up from his seat. They slowly walked as Nellie noticed a shadow beside her.

She slowly turned her head to the side and felt someone watching her.

"Nells come on", Mason shouted, he was standing a few meters away from her.

Nellie took a closer look. "Wait", she said out loud. Mason sighed and walked over to her. Nellies heart was beating fast but she didn't hesitate to see who it was behind that curtain in front of her.

She removed the curtain slowly and before she knew it she let out a loud scream as she was thrown against the wall hitting her head.

The stalker had dressed in disguise, and kept his eyes on her the whole night and had payed attention to every word she had said. He heard that she would go to the bathroom and saw it as an opportunity to take her.

The scream caught Masons attention. He didn't hesitate to punch the stalker and throw him across the room away from his sister.

Despite the stalker being strong, he wasn't ready for Masons punch, he had a hard time defending himself. Before things escalated, Mason was separated from him with the help of a security.

The stalker hadn't passed out but he was too weak to stand on his feet.

Nellie had taken a hard hit on her head and was very dizzy. It didn't take long before more security guards came to take control over the situation.

"Nells", Mason quickly turned around to see where his sister was. He saw her on the floor and walked over fast to grab her.

"your hands", Nellie quickly looked at them. His knuckles were all bloody.

"It's fine, are you ok, where does it hurt", he asked worried removing all her hair from her face.

"My head", she said as she tried standing up. Mason helped her and put her arm around his shoulder to help her stand.


It had been about an hour. The police got involved and had told Nellie and Mason about the guy who had been stalking Nellie.

The stalker has been arrested for kidnapping before and managed to escape from the police only to be find again doing the same thing.

Mason and Nellie couldn't believe what they heard. Things could've ended really bad, especially if Mason wasn't there to protect his sister.

The police had eventually left with Nellies statements and Masons. They could finally breathe out.

"Are you ok", Mason asked his sister.

She was sitting on her bed rubbing her face.

"I don't understand what the hell just happened", she said in a sigh

"Should've punched him more", Mason mumbled as he looked at his knuckles

"You did enough, you need to wash that so it doesn't get infected", Nellie looked at him

"It's fine", he sighed

"I'll help", she stood up. She brought bandages and sanitizer to clean the bruises.

She cleaned up the blood, it didn't seem to hurt that much.

"Thank you for protecting me Mase", Nellie said as she wrapped his hands in bandages

"Dont thank me, I'm your brother, it's my job", he slightly smiled at her.

She smiled back and packed away everything. "All done", she said.

"Thank you", he stood up.

"Will you be fine sleeping here", he asked

"Alex will be back shortly, I'll be fine", she said

"Alright, just knock on the door if you need anything", he said.

"Ok", she nodded as they hugged.

"Goodnight, love you", he said

"Goodnight, love you too", she told him back before he left.

Mason was relieved everything worked out. He was overthinking the whole thing at night, he was glad she was safe. Losing his sister is something he never wants to go though, she means so much to him.


I feel like these are badly written, English isn't my first language so I'm sorry. If you want me to write one for you hat write in the comments and I'll do my best.

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