Best friends again

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A/N: This is another bff imagine ft Declan Rice. I love writing these btw, I think it's way cuter than bf and gf stories, let me know if you'd like more of these "best friend imagines".

You've never been an extrovert, you've always tried to be social and have a good time with other people your age, but all you want to do is be alone and isolate yourself from the world.

It's not easy to spend time alone when you have two outgoing best friends. Mason and Declan, "the two noisy squirrels" as you call them, can never sit still and keep quiet. You've known them almost your whole life and and you can't remember the last time they took a break from going out.

Your whole life you've had to deal with them dragging you in and out of parties, their other friends houses, football games etc. One time they even forced you to go to this house party packed with footballers. You ended up locking yourself in the bathroom until Mason eventually found you. By that time you had fallen asleep, he literally had to break down the door to wake you up.

You being different from them has caused a few problems in the friendship. You love them both to death but sometimes they can never seem to respect your decisions. And when you mean decisions, you mean decisions like staying home and watch Netflix instead of going out.

One of those problems occurred only a week ago. Your close friend Tara will be spending her birthday at a club. You weren't so keen on the idea to go to the club, just the thought of being surrounded by strangers and alcohol makes you uncomfortable. You had told this to Declan and Mason when you were over at Masons house.

Mason didn't seem to understand what your problem was. He questioned you and said some stuff that hurt your feelings. One thing he said that hurt you the most was "you're no fun to be with". He didn't even try to make it sound like a joke, he was pretty serious about it.

It wasn't the first time someone had said that to you, and it has never really bothered you until hearing one of your closest friends say it to your face. Long story short, you told him to fuck himself and left his house on a bad note. You haven't spoken to him since. Not even Declan could help the two of you this time.

The birthday is today and you're definitely going. Not just for Tara's sake, but also to show Mason that you can actually be fun to be with.

Declan showed up at the door of your apartment which was already open. "Hey", you say as you smile at him through the open door.

"Hey", he says back, leaning forward to give you a hug . "You look good", you said as you looked at the black shirt and black jeans he's chosen for the night.

"Thanks, you too. I'm actually surprised you dressed up", he laughed. "Don't get used to it", you said as you picked up your purse and keys. "Ready to go?" he asked. "Yep", you responded as you headed towards the door.

The first part of the car journey was good, you and Declan chatted about things he had been up to and other stuff. You stop on our way there to pick up Mason and Woody.

You still hadn't made up from the fight with Mason, having to be in the same car as him was something you dreaded the whole day. When you arrive outside, they come out and head to the car.

"Alright geez", shouts Mason as he goes to the back with Woody following behind.

"Looks like grumpy made it to the party", Mason said as he looked at you. You roll your eyes, he's lucky you can control your anger issues at times like these, or else he would've been dead by now.

"Hey Woods", you looked over at him and smiled, completely ignoring Mason.

"Hey you", he says back with a smile. The car journey is then filled by football stories from games this week. As much as you're proud of Declan and Mason for what they've achieved, football is not a fun topic to talk about.

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