Chapter Thirty Two

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They were all filed out into the basin of the humongous stadium filled with the screeching of the crowd. The students of UA awkwardly stood in a large crowd.

Killua and Gon ended up behind Monoma and his friends. They just quietly stood behind them and tried not to laugh at the topic of their conversation.

"Hey, did you see that magazine that Yoko Takune came out with?" Some random shiny looking boy asked Monoma. "My dad wouldn't let me get it, obviously, but I went out and pretended like I was old enough to buy it later."

"Oh," Monoma said, looking curiously at them. "You mean that one model who is always doing naked photo shoots?"

"Yeah!" Another person jumped in. "Her milkers are huge!"

Monoma visibly cringed. "Never say that word again.."

"Okay, but her swimsuit shoots are also really explicit! You wanna borrow them sometime?"

Monoma nodded but hissed at them to keep their voices down.

"Oh yeah," somebody else from the research department joined in. "Apparently there is a tape going around on line about her! Y'know, a se-"

"Perverts," Killua snickered to Gon, trying to keep his voice down.

But Monoma and his goons just twisted around and stared straight at them, clearly not amused.

Monoma's face lit up in surprise when he saw their faces resembling girls, the girl tracksuits, and their *fake* breasts. He blushed a bit and gawked at their faces.

"Staring is rude, just so you know," Killua snorted in his high pitched voice, rolling his eyes and looking at Gon.

The blonde boy's face became even redder and he angrily yelled, "Your just girls! You wouldn't know shit about being 'perverted'!"

The pair was combusting on the inside trying not to burst out with laughter because of how Monoma didn't seem recognize them, obviously saw them as attractive, and told them that they wouldn't know something just because they were "girls".

"Girls could be perverted too," Gon answered, smirking a bit.

He wasn't exactly sure what he was trying to prove with this and Monoma wasn't either. The entire conversation was basically pointless and held no good meaning.

Before he could begin yelling at them, a girl with orange hair came but behind him and chopped him in the neck, nocking him over.

Killu could clearly see flaws in her execution with the chop but stayed quiet.

"Sorry about him," she apologized, bowing slightly. "He's a little bit of a... loud mouth."

Killua just shrugged and tried to walk away, but the girl began speaking again.

"Hey, I've never seen you two on campus? Are you guys new?"

They both just kind of blinked at her for a few seconds before turning to look blankly at each other..

"Uhm.. we don't really leave our dorms very much.." Killua uncomfortably looked over at Gon but got no help as he just stared back blankly. "It's a... skin condition?" Gon glanced over at Killua with a questioning look but just shrugged and let it slide.


The girl gave them last wave and dragged the annoying brat off into the sea of students.

"Killua!" Gon whispered furiously. "A sickness? Seriously?"

"Listen, I was out on the spot, okay?"

"Welcome to the US Sports Festival!" A voice boomed, resonating inside the large, enclosed walls of the stadium.

The cheers and whistles of the people mixed in with the booming feedback from the previous announcement.

"Right now, we would like to think the students, the staff, and the supporters. Without these people, the entire operation would have never worked."

The crowd cheered and began clapping their hands.

"First, we need somebody from class 1A to give a kick off speech. Our top student in class 1A is Anastasia Midoriya! Please, step up to the podium."

The crowd looked around in confusion. They had never even seen or heard of this "Anastasia" before in their life. Killua just sighed, gave a quick, disgusted look in Aizawa's direction, and then pushed through the crowd to the platform.

As the people parted around him, they felt an odd sense of familiarity with him, but didn't recognize him. Of course, to them, he was a girl and they didn't realize that this was actually Killua.

Killua walked up to the microphone and grabbed it sort of harshly, smirking at Gon.

He had no idea what he was supposed to say, so he just stood there for a second.

He was just supposed to say something encouraging, right?

Placing on his girly facade and trying to discreetly fix the hem of his track suit, he put the mic up to his mouth and squinted at the crowd.

"Listen, I'm not gonna say that much. But I just want all of you to know that you are all weak as fuck. Well, except for..." He glanced at Gon with and amused expression. "Hah, never mind. What I'm saying is, none of you stand a fucking chance, and there is nothing you can do about it."

Killua let out a small chortle and shoved the mic into Midnight's chest after switching it off.

The crowd of students were upset and a bit on edge. Some didn't like how obviously confident he was at all. Others were just pissed about it and truly believed they could beat such a small looking girl.

When he got to Gon, he smacked him in the back of the head. "Killua! That could have gone without the cussing!"

Killua just shrugged and looked up at Aizawa who had an angry expression.

"I don't care. I just feel like this is the most fun I'll have in a while, and I'm not going to lose."

I was gonna upload this chapter yesterday but I feel asleep while writing it 😭
This was the last sentence I wrote last night and it trailed off so bad and it didn't even make any sense "The crowd erupted and he walked to the center of the stash's, skating oumriiiij Jim"

Whose Jim 🥲

But yeah we are finally starting the sports festival and they intend to win 😌

My Body's Made of Crushed Little Stars - Mitski

948 words

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