we could be stronger together..

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I sigh, my back presses against my door as I hear Damien's footsteps fade fainter as he walks away.

'Pathetic little girl, you're wasting your time with these foolish human interactions. Let me in control, and we will rule together. Let me in control, and Ill show you what true power is. You and me aren't so different, deep down you know it as well'.

"GO AWAY" I scream, a prickling sensation forms at my eyes and I struggle to keep the tears from cascading down my face.

It just laughs

An anger suddenly burns inside me as I hear it laugh. The whole time the voice has been asking for control, and slowly I've been allowing it to take it.

"Enough, your just a voice in my head - nothing more".

Silence. It doesn't respond, and I pause in a moment of hesitation before letting my self breathe in relief. I catch myself in the mirror, my eyes darken and sullen from the lack of sleep, my skin ashen and ghost like. But despite this, that small Smile made me look little less helpless.

I was so entranced by seeing a new side to myself I don't recognize a red tentacle snake round me until it tightens around my neck. I try to scream for help but it's muffled and quiet

It clouds my vision like blood in water, I try to scream but it's useless. Suddenly I'm transported to a place I always imagined hell to be like, the place has lava and fire spitting in every direction. Dark coal formed into a path way to a mountains worth of stairs. There was an eerie feeling that crawled down my spine.

Curiosity took over and I start to walk along the route, noticing my powers felt stronger and more in control.

where am I?

"Where you belong" that voice boomed, and I search around for where it came from. All of a sudden the ground starts trembling, and cracks.

The lava starts forming and seeping through the cracks. I fly up, faster than ever before. But the higher I rose the more I noticed something black over the mountain

Once high enough, I recognize them to be horns. Once closer, I gasp.

A demon as tall as a skyscraper with a long white beard and 4 pointy horns on its head grinned at me. It had black pieces of fabric clinging to its body to act as clothing. It's eyes were blood red, and I felt like he was looking through me.

"Raven" he said.

I swallow the bile that had arose in my throat. This was who the voice belonged too?

"I am Trigon, a god and celestial conquer. Among this, I am your father. Raven we are destined to be together"

" no, this can't be true. I don't believe you" my voice shakes and I feel like I'm about to cry.

" don't you feel it in your blood? The power. It's pulsing through you, itching to be used. So strong and tempting, your stronger raven. We're stronger, together. All I ask is you let me inside".

I hesitate. " if I do, what will happen?"

" I will become one in the human world, and we can destroy earth and every other planet together. You shall rule by my side, people will coward at the mere thought of us".

" what?" I yell " no, I'll never let that happen"

" whether you like it or not, it will happen. You can decide if that's the easy or hard way however". He smirks, and I feel sick again

" rot in hell".

Suddenly I'm transported back into my room, and I sigh in relief.

I expect to hear Trigon, but he was either gone or staying quiet. Which make me uneasy, however I try to get to sleep.

Or atleast lay in my bed and consider what he had to say. He was my father, and it would explain how I got my powers as my mother refused to tell me as she was too ashamed. But this wasn't how I imagined meeting my dad.

No, I imagined going to get ice cream and getting to know each other. Instead a get a celestial demon wanting to destroy my planet and needs my help.

I feel so alone. Helpless. Useless...

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