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I hear the team arrive back, and I get out of bed. When Damien left I had decided to get into my pajamas and finish my book. The ending was sad and depressing, she died with a blade in her heart protecting the man she loves most.

I thought it was stupid that she would put his life above her own when she had so much more to live for. She was going to be queen, she was going to rule the kingdom.

It then occurs to me that I may never find someone like that, that I'm willing to protect by no ends.

I sigh and head down to the kitchen. Dick and Kory are at stove, making spaghetti. Kory has beast boys' tofu cooking in a pan beside our normal meat so he wouldn't feel left out.

Jaime and beast boy are currently lounging on the sofa, beast boy decided to kick off his shoes at some point and his stinky feet could be smelt from the doorway. Damien couldn't been seen.

" Friend raven" Kory said when she notices me, and everyone turns to face me. " Are you feeling better?".

I nod, and open my mouth to ask where Damien was but thought better of it. So I just simply smile and turn on my heel.

I start searching the corridors for him, desperate to defend myself. To justify what happened earlier, even if I had no idea what even happened myself.

I search the games room, cinema, training room, swimming pool, garage, computer room until I reached the bedrooms.

I gulp as I walked past mine and korys and into the boys section.





I stop Infront of his door. I gulp once more, and feel my nerves highten. But then I remember I have nothing to be afraid of, and knock on his door.

I barely have a chance to step backwards before the door opens to reveal Damien.

He has a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, his hair wet and dripping over his forehead. His sixpack is strong and defined, whilst his biceps are flexed as he held the door.

"*Cough* umm, raven?" He asks and I divert my eyes to his face, us both fully aware that I was just checking him out. " I'm not decent, are you incapable of waiting till dinner?".

He surprisingly doesn't slam the door in my face, but he doesn't look too happy about being bothered either.

" I-im sorry, I didn't know. However you can't speak to me that way". He raises an eyebrow and I walk past him and start pacing in his room.

" You're so rude all the time. Earlier today you tell at me to be more aware of my actions. I have powers, powers nobody else has, powers I don't even know if they have a limit. Telling me to control it is easier said than done, and look at Kory".

She is trying so hard to make an effort with you, to make you feel like you belong. You may be new but it doesn't give you a free pass to treat her like shit. And dick, he's been nothing but understanding, I know you don't like him but for the sake of the team you have to learn how to deal with it

Beast boy and Jaime feel awkward around you because you're so cold and distant, to the point they don't know what to say around you.

You could try being nicer, or at least less rude to us". To my surprise he scoffs, and I feel my blood boil.

" The fact you don't know what limit you're power has is dangerous, Kory is only doing that to get deeper into dicks pants, dick is being forced to by father, and beast boy and Jaime are nothing but short of annoying". He closes the door and sit down on his bed. I'm still stood, but barely taller than him when he's sat down.

Screw him and his chiseled abs.

" Then why did you come here? Don't say batman forced you because deep down I saw he didn't want you here".

" Its none of you're business" he scowls.

" Just tell me" I feel my voice rise.

" No!" He yells, and I snap. Every single glass object shatters into a million pieces, the walls made out of glass, lights, mirrors. Broken.

I feel my face sting and I look around at my surrounding in surprise.

"I-i didn't mean too," I look at him, but he looks disappointed.

" You need to learn how to control your powers, starting tomorrow we'll have one on one training" he says before being interrupted by the whole team barging in the room, panic written on their faces.

Everyone looks between Damien and I, moreover a very shirtless and still in a towel Damien. He scoffs once more before walking into his bathroom.

I try to find the words to explain what happened...

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